Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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rage of the requirements of Architectural Photogram- 
metry, concerning non-metric cameras, various input devi- 
ces, limited ground control and geometrical constraints on 
the object. While its main body is operational, minor 
refinements and additions, mainly concerning drivers to 
different graphic packages are currently under develop- 
Baarda, W., 1967. Statistical Concepts in Geodesy. Nether- 
lands Geodetic Commission, Publications on Geodesy, 
New Series, Vol. 2, No. 4. 
Dermanis, A., 1986. Adjustment of observations and Esti- 
mation Theory. Vol. 2, Editions Ziti, Thessaloniki (in 
Dermanis, A., 1990. Modeling and Solution alternatives in 
photogrammetry. In: Mathematical Aspects of Data 
Analysis. ISPRS, Intercommission Working Group 
III/VI, Rhodes, Greece, September 10-12, pp. 77-121. 
Dermanis, A., 1991. Analytical Photogrammetry. Editions 
Ziti, Thessaloniki (in Greek). 
Dermanis, A. and A. Fotiou, 1992. Adjustment methods 
and applications. Editions Ziti, Thessaloniki (in Greek). 
Dermanis, A. and D. Rossikopoulos, 1991. Statistical Infe- 
rence in Integrated Geodesy. Presented at: IUGG 
XXth General Assembly, IAG, Vienna, August 11-24. 
Ethrog U., 1984. Non-metric camera calibration and photo 
orientation using parallel and perpendicular lines of the 
photographed objects. Photogrammetria, No. 39, pp. 
Fórstner, W., 1979. Ein Verfahren zur Schátzung von 
Varianz- und Kovarianzkomponenten. AVN, 86, no. 11- 
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Gagnon, P.-A., Agnard J.-P. and Boulianne M., 1990. A 
microcomputer-based general photogrammetric sys- 
tem. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 
Vol. 56, No. 5, May, pp. 623-625. 
Hâdem, L, 1990. Estimating approximate values before 
bundle adjustment in close-range Photogrammetry. 
SPIE Vol. 1395, pp.1016-1027. 
Kubik, K., 1967. Schätzfunktionen für Varianzen, Kova- 
rianzen und für andere Parameter in Ausgleichungs- 
aufgaben. Ph.D. Thesis, Technische Hochschule Wien. 
Moniwa, H., 1981. The concept of photo-variant self-calib- 
ration and its application in block adjustment with 
bundles. Photogrammetria, No. 36, pp. 11-29. 
Murai, S., R. Matsuoka and T. Okuda, 1984. A study on 
analytical calibration for non metric camera and accu- 
racy of three dimensional measurements. In: Inter- 
national Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing, Comm. IV, pp. 570-579, ISPRS XV Congress, 
Rio de Janeiro. 
Patias, P., 1991. Architectural Photogrammetry goes to the 
digital darkroom. Proc. of the XVI Intrn. Symposium 
of CIPA, 2-5 October 1991, Delfi, Greece. 
Rao, C.R. and J. Kleffe, 1988. Estimation of Variance 
Components and Applications. North-Holland, Amster- 
Rossikopoulos, D. and A. Fotiou, 1990. Best geometric 
land parcel definition using the method of least squares 
with constraints. The program ADCON. Journal of the 
Association of Dipl. Rural and Surveying Eng. of 
Northern Greece, 27: 25-64 (in Greek). 
Sarjakoski, T., 1984. Efficient methods for selecting addi- 
tional parameters of block adjustment. In: International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Vol. XXV, Part A3b, Comm. III, pp. 932-944, ISPRS 
XV Congress, Rio de Janeiro. 
Schaffrin, B., 1983. Varianz - Kovarianz - Komponenten 
Schätzung bei der Ausgleichung heterogener Wieder- 
holungsmessungen. Dissertation, Universität Bonn. 
DGK, Reihe C, Heft Nr. 282. 
Waldhäusl P., 1987. The importance of Analytical Photo- 
grammetry for Architecture and conservation of mo- 
numents and sites. In: Proceedings of CIPA X Inter- 
national Symposium, Granada, October 27-29, pp. 291- 
Waldhäusl P. and Brunner M., 1988. Architectural Photo- 
grammetry world-wide and by anybody with non-metric 
cameras ?. In: Proceedings of CIPA XI International 
Symposium, Sofia, October 4-7. 
Waldhäusl P. and Burtscher T., 1989. Evaluation of Photo- 
grammetric methods for the documentation of the 
world’s architectural heritage. In: Proceedings of CIPA 
XII International Symposium, Roma, October 21-28. 
Waldhäusl P. and Peipe J., 1990. Control information in 
Architectural Photogrammetry. IN: Proceedings of 
CIPA XIII International Symposium, Cracow, October 
Zeng Z. and Wang X., 1992. A general solution of a closed- 
form space resection. PERS, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 327- 

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