Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

The equipment used ‚was the Camera 
Rolleiflex 3003, with 60 mm lens, colored 
film and control points with the theodolite 
T-2, Wild. The restitution in the 
Analytical Plotting System PLANICOMP C-100, 
2.1- Digital Method-Remote Sensing 
The Close-Range Photogrammetry improves 
the surveying of the rock painting 3 
because it decreases the manual work time 
spent on the site and increase the accuracy. 
Although it is not enough for complete 
documentation; for exemple it can not 
register colors and super imposed forms . 
The digital method for analysing rock 
painting can be divided into three parts: 
a) colored pictures of the chosen 
Scenes were taken; 
b) the pictures taken were digitylized 
by the SCANNER EPSON, that belongs to the 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Institut 
of University of Karlsruhe German; 
c) the images were processed by 
digital ERDAS system that belongs to the 
Cartographic Engineering Department. 
This system allowed the reconstruction 
of original colors through the digitalization 
of three different channels with green,red 
and blue filters. 
From this Close-Range Photogrammetry we 
got the tridimensional coordenated panel. 
It is possible.from this to draw.ali the 
rock paintings or to draw each one 
separately in different scales or in its 
original síze. The figure 3 shows the 
rock painting from "FURNA DOS CABOCLOS". 
From the digital process we can also 
highlight the rock painting against the 
bachground. The figure ^ shows the 
As a result of this research we can claim 
that the use of Close-Range Photogrammetry 
is important because it decreases the hard 
work in the field replacing the old hand 
method copying in transparent plastic 
sheets. It also allows us to save the 
information into computer systems. 
The Remote Sensing helps to analyse the 
colors used in the rock paintings and we 
hope to be able to classify them 
automatically in the future, 
The author acknowledges the assistence of 
Professor Hans-Peter Bahr, during my stay 
in Universitat Karlsruhe - Institut für 
Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung. 
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