Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

The calibration was done with three digital stereo-pairs 
of our test-field. They were taken at different distances in 
front of the wall, ranging from 19 meters to 9 meters, and at 
different viewing angles relative to the test-field. This 
variety of angles and distances is important for the reliable 
recovery of the interior orientations and the additional 
camera parameters, and also ensures that spatial positioning 
with the vision system yields homogeneous coordinates at 
different distances in front of the van (of course, there is a 
limit due to the narrow intersection angles of light rays for 
points that are far away from the van). 
The image coordinates of eleven control and six tie- 
points were measured manually on the computer screen 
with an estimated accuracy of 1/4 pixel in the digital 
images. The base-length was determined by theodolite 
intersections. The bundle-triangulation (including the 
constraints mentioned above) was computed twice, with 
and without additional camera parameters, to demonstrate 
their contribution to the positioning accuracy. 
The results are combined in table 1. It shows the 
aposteriori standard deviation Go, which corresponds to the 
mean accuracy of the measured image coordinates both in 
pixels and millimeters. The additional parameters 
improved the accuracy by a factor of two, so that it 
corresponds to about 1/3 of a pixel on the sensor, which is 
consistent with our assumptions (manual measurement). 
The principal points and focal lengths of both cameras were 
always treated as unknowns. The tie-point coordinates 
computed by the bundle triangulation were compared to 
their known coordinates at the wall to show the potential 
point positioning accuracy (Sx, Sy, sz), if object control is 
Then we used the computed orientation parameters in 
an intersection to determine object coordinates from image- 
coordinate pairs. This corresponds to the positioning of 
points with the stereo-vision system on the van, 
independent of any control in object space. This test was 
done independently for each stereo-pair, and for all points 
that appear in a stereo-pair. Again, the coordinates of the 
targets of the test-field were used for comparison. The 
results are displayed in table 2, showing the RMS errors for 
each stereo-pair for the two types of calibrations computed 
One can see that the additional parameters improve the 
positioning accuracy, and that all derived values are 
consistent or better than our estimates. It is fair to state that 
the positioning accuracy of the stereo-vision system is 
within 10 cm for objects closer than 20 m in front of the 
To determine the absolute positioning accuracy we 
measured the image coordinates of the targets on the wall 
in two stereo-pairs that were not used for the vision system 
calibration (image pairs 6, 7). The object coordinates were 
computed by point intersections applying the orientation 
parameters derived previously. Additional camera 
parameters were always applied in the intersection. As a 
result we obtained the object coordinates in two separate 
local systems. Both were transformed into a common 
coordinates system to be able to compare the positioning 
accuracy of the stereo-vision system. Table 3 shows the 
RMS difference between the point positioning determined 
from image-pair 6 and those of image-pair 7. 
calibration Co Co Sx Sy Sz 
[mm] [pixels] i [cm] [cm] [cm] 
without additional parameters : 0.0063 10.68 1.95 1.09 7.79 
with 6 additional parameters {0.0034 10.37 0.42 0.55 2.09 
Table 1: Comparison of a calibration of the stereo-vision system with and without 
additional parameters. The standard deviation of unit weight (6,) corresponds to the 
mean accuracy of image coordinate measurement. The RMS error in object space at four 
of the tie-points (which were available in all stereo-pairs and used as check-points) is 
given by sy, sy, s;. 
stereo- calibration with or i object Sx Sy Sz Oz 
pair without additional i distance | [cm] [cm] [cm] [cm] 
parameters [m] 
1 without 19.0 31 2.0 8.9 9.3 
2 without 11.8 1.3 1.9 4.2 3.6 
3 without 9.2 13 0.7 3.9 2.5 
1 with 19.0 2.1 12 6.2 93 
2 with 11.8 0.4 1.1 3.4 3.6 
3 with 9.2 0.4 0.5 1.3 2.2 
Table 2: Intersection of conjugate image points to evaluate the positioning accuracy 
without object control. The RMS errors (sy, Sy, 82) are computed for each stereo-pair. In 
the last column the theoretical accuracy limit in the driving direction (6;) is displayed. It 
was computed by: 6,- ZZ I 
f=. Opx (Opx= 3 pixel).

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