Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

e of 
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w of 
a. the relative positions of the cameras (camera 
base, the exterior orientation position coordinates of 
each camera pairs perspective centres); and 
b. the relative rotations of the cameras (camera 
convergence, the exterior orientation rotations of 
each camera pairs coordinate axes). 
The type of invariance is dependent upon the type of 
stereo camera system used. Two stereo camera types 
considered here are: 
a. stereometric camera systems where the invariant 
camera relationships are precisely known; and 
b. non- or semi- metric camera systems where 
cameras are placed in a fixed but not precisely 
known relationship for specific projects as typified in 
Fryer (1990). 
By considering type b. camera systems as representing the 
general case, the numerical values that describe the 
invariant camera relationships must be solved for as part of 
the bundle adjustment. Type a. cameras may then be 
considered as a special case and the known values applied 
as appropriate. 
Two methods were considered in modelling the invariant 
a. by constraint equations between the camera 
parameters of each stereopair; or 
b. by modified collinearity equations relating the 
camera parameters of each stereopair. 
An introduction to the use of constraint equations in 
analytical photogrammetry in given in Case (1961). 
Constraint equations are used to express geometric or 
physical relationships that exist between parameters of an 
adjustment. In this case the parameters of interest are the 
exterior orientation parameters of the cameras. 
Constraint equations take the following form: 
v, +CA = g (2) 
v, = vector of constraint residuals; 
C = matrix of constraint parameter 
A = vector of parameters used in constraints; 
g = vector of constraint constants, 
One constraint equation is written for each physical or 
geometric property that is required to be enforced. 
The base constraint 
For stereo photography the required constraint is that the 
computed base distances for all stereopairs be the same. 
As the camera base is unknown a priori the constraint 
constant (the camera base distance) must be derived from 
the adjustment. At each iteration the mean value of all the 
bases is computed and used as the constraint constant. 
The base constraint for stereopair i is then: 
[X -XPP «v; -Y* «z^ -z^yr - B, (3 
B, = mean camera base. 
There is one base constraint equation for each stereopair. 
The convergence constraint 
The requirement here is that the relative orientations of the 
camera axes are constant for all stereopairs. This may be 
achieved by constraining the convergence angles of the 
three pairs of camera axes (dot products of each pair of X, 
Y & Z axes) to the mean of the corresponding convergence 
angles for al! stereopairs. As the convergence angles are 
independent for each axis pair there is one constraint 
equation for each convergence angle. For stereopair i 
these are: 
Rit. Bit «RI2/. R12 «RISI. RIS - 4X, 
R21/.R21P +R22/".R22/" +R23;.R23," = vY, (4) 
R31,.R31* «R32/.R32^ «R33/.R33/ - yZ,, 
R11 1. R33/° = rotation matrix elements of the 
left and right cameras of 
stereopair í, 
1X, Y Y, YZn = Mean convergence angles for X, 
Y and Z axes. 
All constraint equations are non-linear in terms of the 
camera parameters and must be linearised. Adding the 
linearised constraint equations to the conventional 
collinearity equation model changes equation (1) to: 
V * BA = C (5) 
V B B € 
zulVi.- A = IC 
V=|.,; B- Feb. uie. ur 
V 0 -/ ^ C 
V. C 0 g 
C = matrix of partial derivatives of constraint 
g = vector of constraint discrepancies; 
The corresponding normal equation matrix structure is 
shown in figure 2. 
Each stereopair is represented by a 12x12 symmetric sub- 
matrix as a result of the constraint equations. The number 
of camera parameters is unaltered from the conventional 
model however there are 4s additional constraint equations 
which will improve this model's degrees of freedom over 
the conventional model.

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