Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

final values; 
only four lines are sufficient to obtain a good 
parameters K and Xc converge before the others; 
a high accuracy estimation is reached with this 
approach; rotational and  translational errors are 
smaller than 1' and 0.2 mm respectively. 
the filter had already converged to the 
6.3 Multi-frame Calibration 
It was supposed we had a single camera, static in 
space, observing a 70 mm cube moving on a conveyor belt 
in X direction with a speed of 100 mm/s. A sequence of 
nine images is taken by the camera. In the first image 
the cube frame and base frame are coincident. Table 
6.3.1 summarizes the camera vector state for this 
Table 6.3.1 True Camera State and Predicted Values 
Camera Predicted State| Predicted 
State State Error| Variance 
K 0.0 0.01 0.01 (0.01) 
9 rad| 0.0 0.01 0.01 (0.01), 
w 0.959931 0.949931 |-0.01 (0.01) 
Xc 300 304 4. (4.), 
Yc mm| -400 -396 4. (4.) 
Zc 400 404 4. (4.) 
Knowing the conveyor belt speed and the sampling 
time, the object position can be computed and, then, 
the object-to-base frame transformations for each image 
can be stated. In order to simulate real environments, 
randomic perturbations were introduced in object 
position (Imm and 1° standard deviation in translation 
and rotation parameters, respectively). 
For the same set of data, results obtained for a 
sequence of single frame calibration (a priori 
estimates for each image are not related to the former 
calibration) and a  multi-frame calibration (a priori 
estimates are obtained from the filtered estimates of 
the former calibration) are presented in Figures 6.3.1 
and 6.3.2, respectively. 
True Errors (rad) Franes 
0.048 | 
0.04 | 
(0. Ts 
ü e P uium. Lc b ins PECs 
ame? Ne per? 
-- e^ eft X 
=0.01 |- 
70.048 |[- 
Estinated Standard Deviations 
0.015 > 
0.01 > 
ES rt NN 
0 À. I -— e T 
Trua Errors Cee) Franes 
4.0 + 
2.0 TE Sri = 
0 E pa SE 
Jm Nr NM NI en 
-4.0 | 
Estinated Standard Deviations 
Figure 6.3.1 Results of a sequence of single frame 
True Errors (rad) vt 
0.013 + 
0.04 + 
see TE 
-0.01 }- 
70,013 |- 
Estinated Standard Deviations 
9.015 | 
0.0 | 
Trua Ervors Gwe) Frames 
4.0 F 
10 P. 
-8.0 + 
Estimated Standerd Deviations 
Figure 6.3.2 Results of a Multi-frame Calibration. 
The improvements of the multi-frame calibration 
process can be seen comparing Figures 6.3.1 and 6.3.2. 
The final camera state estimation for the multi-frame 
calibration is within an accuracy of 2’ for the 
rotations and 0.5 mm for the translations. 
6.4 Reduction of the search window in feature extraction 
In order to illustrate the reduction of the search 
space in the feature extraction level, the results 
related to the single frame calibration discussed on 
Section 6.2 are shown in Table 6.4.1. 
Using the predicted estimates to define the first 
search space results in a rectangle of 56,072 pixels 
(1.16 x 3.6 mm), to be analysed, For the extraction of 
the 12 feature using the ot estimate, the window 
is reduced to a rectangle of 0.031x 3.53 mm (a window 
of 3 pixels width), equivalent to 1,132 pixels. 
Table 6.4.1 Reduction of the s earch window. 
Areca Window width |Feature 
2 Num. of pixels 
mm mm Lenght 
1 5.60 56,072 1.167 3.68 
2 3.12 31,051 1.013 2.25 
3 2.47 24,773 0.637 3.06 
4 1.60 16,068 0.425 3.10 
5 0.54 5,414 0.233 2.24 
6 0.42 4,279 0.132 3.10 
7 0.32 3,221 0.101 2.84 
8 0.31 3,168 0.099 2.84 
9 0.54 5,431 0.120 4.37 
10 0.07 747 0.039 1.99 
11 0.07 703 0.037 1.96 
12 0.11 1,132 0.031 3.54 
As can be seen from Table 6.4.1, the availability 
of better estimates for the camera state vector along 
the filter operation reduces the search window area. If 
only a priori estimates were used to search for the 
lines, 672,000 pixels (12 windows with 56,000 each one) 
should be analyzed, whereas using the recursive 
OM OO = = 0 EEO 

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