| are
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2) Crown Method
The working unit is also the individual photo. We still
take the photo as show in fig.1 to explain the method.
Select two points from m points in the photo as base
points, let other m-2 points relate to the base pointswe
obtain 2m-4 co-angularity conditions, and let base points
relate each other to get the (2m-3)th condition. By this
means to form co-angularity conditions results the relations
between the points as shown in fig.5. The shape of fig.5
is like a crown of king, so we call our method as Crown
3 5
6 123456789
2 [o] ij
7 5 |
15 |
9 8
Fig.5 Fig.6
In fig.6, the column number presents the condition
number, the line number stands for image point number.
From fig.6 we know that the first (2m-3) X (2m-3)
submatrix of matrix À is also a quasi-triangular matrix,
according to the describtion of sector method, rank(A)=2m
-3, so the conditions obtained from the Crown Method is
also independent.
The base of the crown consists of the selected points and
their relation, so the selected image points are called as
base image points, the corresponding ground points as
base ground points, or all called as base points for short,
the relation is called base condition. The vertexes of the
crown consists of the other points, so they are called the
obviously, by the above two methods, the conditions are
just formed one by one, needed no finding work, so the
methods are simplest, safeest and easiest ones.
Refering back to section 1, we will find that eq. (39) is
the same form as eq. (4), a general form of condition
equations. If we directly use it to do adjustment, the
computation work load will be very large, this is because
the normal eguation matrix is very big. We must study
further to get an available model.
3.1 Principle
To construct an available model, following three problems
have to be solved,
3.1.1 Equation Form
The first problem is what equation form will be selected as
our model. Both observation and condition equations are
available to our model, though due to the following
reasons, we will sellect observation one:
1) Parameter vector can be direclly estimated.
2) It is convenient to compensate syetematic errors,
detect Blunders , estimate variance, include non-photo-
grammetric data and evaluate the quality of the result.
3) It is easy to construct and solve normal equation.
4) almost all existing adjustment software are based on
parameter adjustment.
3.1.2 Finding
The second problem is what method for finding conditions
we will select to construct our available model. In
preceding section, we recomended two method, which one
is appropriate? Let's comparing fig.4 with fig.6. In fig.4,
the matrix A; is a 14X14 matrix, its structure is banded.
In fig.6, the matix A, is a 14X14 quasi-diagonal matrix.
Of course, to inverse a quasi-diagonal matrix is much
easier than a banded one. Therefore we select crown
method to construct our model.
3.1.3 Transformation
The last problem is how to transform the condition
equations with parameters into observation equations.
consulting into section 1 and fig.6, we know that if we
directly using eqs. (18) — (24) to transform, sub-matrix A;
in eq. (18) of our case in fig.2 will be a 15X15 margined
quasi-diagonal matrix, its inverse will be full-occupied.
This will make the transformation difficult. Therefore we
use a transformation with elimination technique to
transform general form to observation form instead of a
direct transformation in section 1.
Above all. the principle of our modelling is that applying
crown method to find conditions, using transformation
with elimination technique transforms the general form into
observation form.
3.2 Modelling
Acording to the above principle, we deal now with the
observation modelling based on co-angularity condition.
Because the observations related to each other by co-
angularity condition are in the same photograph, we can
take individual photograph as working unit. Furthermore,
supposing that eq. (39) is for a photo with n image
points, due to the crown finding method, from fig.6 we
can see that the first 2(n-2) X2(n-2) sub-matrix A4 of
matrix A in eq. (39) is a quasi-diagonal matrix, we can
transform the first 2(n-2) equations of eq. (33) into
corresponding observation equations with one by one vertex
scheme. Now, we take the ith vertex together with the
base of the crown to inquire into the transformation of
general equation to observation equation. Here, eq. (39)
can be written as
AT, AB As Vi Wi
| RS: | -0 (40)
Fs Fc Vc Ws
Alim 32i a3im aml 0
Anz AB; = Ac; =
alin 32inl' asin |’ 0 as3in@4in
FB =aimn ; FC = (a2 mn a3m na4mn) ;
Buc biim D2in::** beim brim bsim boim 0 0 0 |
biis bein *** bein O 0 O brin bein bein 1 * (4D)
BB =(bimn bzma bama 0 0 0 b4ma b5mn *»* boma )
Vi =(vx, Vy, ); Vs ZVxm ; VE s (vy, Vx, Vy.) ,
WF = (Wim Win }, WB =Wm n ; i-1,2,--., (n-2) ; m=n-l,
U"=(Xo Yo Zo Xi Yi Zi Xu Yn Zn Xa Ya Za).
About the subs of askı,bs«xa and Wiz , j stands for the
jth element ofthe matrix A and B in eq. (36), k meanses
the hth point point in the plaoto,and 1 meanses that the
the kth point in the photo, and 1 meanses that the kth
point is related to the Ith point with co-angularity
consdition in the photo.