Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

MAAS-CR consists of the following major software 
2.0.1. DATMAN : Data Management 
This group of programs manages following types of 
+ Project related data 
+ Object control data 
* Camera related data 
This group of programs are interactive full screen 
editing programs and file handling programs. 
2.0.2. MODMAN : Model Management 
This group of programs handles stereo model re- 
lated data. They perform the measuring task, ad- 
justment and analysis of stereo models in 
conjunction with the measuring instrument. Follow- 
ing orientation programs belong to this group: 
° Inner orientation 
* Relative orientation 
- Absolute orientation 
2.0.3. DATRI : Data capture for 
This program is used to perform the measurements 
required to make a bundle adjustment afterwards. It 
includes the necessary orientation programs and 
proper handling of reseau information. Besides the 
collection of observations this program will also 
deliver initial values of exterior orientations of the 
measured images which will be used as input data 
for the bundle adjustment. 
2.0.4. PRIORI : Preorientation Programs 
In close range applications it often happens that the 
information collected during the measuring process 
is not sufficient to go directly to the bundle adjust- 
ment step. If this is the case programs are needed to 
fill the gap. These programs are used to calculate 
initial values for the bundle adjustment which were 
not already provided by the measuring programs. 
These programs use relative and absolute orienta- 
tions to generate the required approximate values in 
a common coordinate system. They use special al- 
gorithms, singularity free relative and absolute 
orientation along with a space resection program, to 
solve the approximate value problem (Hinsken, 
1987). But with integration of measurement and 
bundle adjustment software into one package it is 
the aim to skip this step totally, because the result 
of DATRI should be sufficient to start the bundle 
adjustment immediately. 
2.0.5. CAP : Combined Adjustment 
For close range applications CAP is integrated in a 
special version into the package. It comes with spe- 
cially adapted interfaces to the measuring and 
analysis programs. 
2.0.6. GRAV : Graphical View 
This program provides extensive analysis features 
for the results of the bundle adjustment. It is highly 
interactive with the user, so he can see the results 
in various forms. 
2.0.7 TOP: Transfer of Orientation 
This module is used: to extract individual models 
from the results of the bundle adjustment. It trans- 
forms the exterior orientation parameters into a 
suitable form for the connected measuring instru- 
ment and transmits the transformed parameters into 
the measuring instrument. After this step the opera- 
tor can start with data collection in a parallax free 
model based on bundle adjustment. 
In this context only those measurements are consi- 
dered which are required to measure the necessary 
points for bundle adjustment. Furthermore it is as- 
sumed that measurements are performed on an ana- 
lytical plotter, which is nowadays standard device 
for precise photogrammetric measurements. The 
analytical plotter is assumed, because it is consi- 
dered, that after triangulation the images will be 
further processed in an analytical plotter. Measur- 
ing the images with stereoscopic viewing. For this 
further processing the orientation parameters com- 
puted by the bundle program will be used in the 
analytical machine to form the stereo model. 
3.1. Measuring Programs 
The measuring programs are directly connected to 
the measuring device. During the measuring process 
the operator is guided by the programs. All pro- 
grams use the same user interface. Whenever it is 
useful the feedback to the operator is given in 
graphical form. Presenting results of measurements 
and adjustment in graphical form allows the opera- 
tor to find remaining systematic effects and mea- 
suring errors much faster compared to the 
presentation in list oriented form. This holds true 
especially if the amount of data is huge. 
3.2. Inner Orientation 
The photogrammetric observations which serve as 
input to a bundle adjustment program are image 
coordinates. The image coordinates refer to the 
image coordinate system which is usually given by 
fiducial marks or reseau crosses. In any case a 
physical reference system must be established in- 
side of the camera body. As measurements are car- 
ried out in a measuring device related coordinate 
system a transformation from measuring device to 
image coordinate system must be done before the 
bundle adjustment can be performed. This type of 
transformation is usually called inner orientation. 
The mathematical model used for this transforma- 
tion depends on the camera used and the accuracy 
required for the project. If there are only fiducial 
marks on the peripheral of the image format noth- 
ing better than a global transformation between the 
two systems is reasonable. If the camera is 
equipped with a reseau a local transformation for 
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