Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Figure 7. Sobel filter for the X-ray in figure 3 
Figure 8. Simple histogram equalization of the 
X-ray in figure 4 
Figure 9-A. A rejected over exposed joint 
Figure 9-B. Exponential equalization for the X-ray in 9-A, 
notice the lighter tone in the middle of the joint 
Limitations and Practical Difficulties 
This system would produce the expected result by 
minimizing the number of rejected X-ray pictures. 
However, several practical limitations should be addressed: 
The current X-ray film capture data and provide excellent 
resolution. Converting X-ray pictures from pictorial to 
digital would require the use of certain type of scanner. 
Currently there are many scanners in the market ranging 
from several hundred dollars to hundreds of thousands of 
dollars. Resolution and image quality obtained from these 
scanners increases with the prices. A scanner with 300 
DPI might cost less than a thousand dollars, but the quality 
of the obtained image is not suitable for medical diagnosis. 
On the other hand, the quality of images scanned with 1200 
DPI would be much higher and provide reasonable 
resolution for medical diagnosis, but it is much more 
Independent of scanner, the screen resolution for most 
commercially available monitors is 1024 X 1024. 
Therefore, if an image is scanned with 1200 DPI, and 
displayed on a 1024 X 1024 screen, the resolution will be 
Size of Data Involved 
Independent of scanner and monitor types, the obtained 
digitized image would require significant dynamic and 
static storage space. For example, a 15 X 16 inch chest X- 
ray digitized at 300 DPI would produce an image 4500 X 
4800 pixels. This would need 22 megabytes of memory 
space. High quality digital image (1200 DPI) would 
require 345 megabytes. Any enhancement or restoration 
operations would require additional space. 
Currently it takes two minutes to obtain an X-ray image. 
This time includes taking the picture and developing the 
film. In the proposed system, the X-ray would be taken, 
would be digitized, and then processed. This would 
require additional time especially if a high quality image is

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