Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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c whole ad- 
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bject coordi- 
rs four ways 
ate in the ad- 
articipate in 
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ith respect to 
e datum with 
n the quality 
e solution to 
rientation pa- 
ent or defini- 
to the object 
ement the six 
theodolite of 
datum. If the 
1 to a leveled 
ing degree of 
distance mea- 
> datum by an 
results in the 
ock geometry 
able three di- 
> case in close 
range applications but not in aerial applications. If 
this requirement is fulfilled the free adjustment 
: will transform the network build from the observa- 
tions only, without any constraint onto the initial 
values of selected object points. This results in an 
error free datum of very high quality. The extreme- 
ly high quality can be proofed by the resulting error 
ellipsoids on the object points. They become 
smaller than with any other kind of datum defini- 
4.1.4. Algorithmic Aspects 
To gain high perfcrmance of a bundle program the 
selected numerical algorithms are essential. Typical 
for combined adjustment is a not regularly struc- 
tured normal equation system, in contrast to the 
regular structure of an aerial block adjustment. As 
the number of unknowns in bundle adjustments is 
usually quite high, the normal equation system is a 
sparse matrix. Special algorithms for general sparse 
matrices exist (George, Liu, 1981). After various 
empirical tests (Hinsken, 1985), the best suitable 
algorithm of that class was modified and implem- 
ented in CAP. This algorithm requires the minimum 
amount of computer memory to store the normal 
equation system. The storage technique doesn't 
store any zero elements. Before the numerical ad- 
justment is performed a logical computation takes 
place which figures out, in which position of the 
normal equation system non zero elements will ap- 
pear during the numerical computations. Besides 
the minimum storage requirements and minimum 
computation time it ensures also, that round off er- 
rors are reduced, because less numerical operations 
are performed. 
As the non zero structure of the normal equation 
system depends on the ordering of the unknown pa- 
rameters in the equation system, CAP uses a reor- 
dering algorithm to find the best order of unknowns 
in the equation system. This is not a trivial problem 
in combined adjustments. However the numerical 
results are not effected by the order of the un- 
knowns. The implemented reordering algorithm is 
the so called Banker's algorithm (Snay, 1976). The 
aim of the algorithm is to reduce the amount of 
computations during the numerical handling of the 
normal equation system. 
Furthermore the fastest known algorithm to invert a 
sparse matrix is implemented in CAP (Hanson, 
1978). This special algorithm inverts the matrix 
only at those positions where non zero elements 
were located by the preprocessing logical algo- 
rithm. This allows for full error propagation for un- 
knowns and functions of  unknowns (e.g. 
4.1.5. Statistical Model 
The implemented numerical algorithms were se- 
lected in such a way that full statistical error 
propagation can be performed. This is an important 
feature for industrial applications. 
The following statistical values are provided in the 
output file: 
* standard deviations of object point coordinates 
+ standard deviations of exterior orientation 
parameters (image, model, theodolite) 
* Standard deviations of camera parameters 
* Standard deviation of adjusted geodetic 
* local redundancy of all image, model and 
theodolite observations 
* correlation matrices of camera parameters 
* correlation matrices of correlation between 
exterior orientation and camera parameters 
* internal reliability of each observation 
* Single point test statistic for deformation 
* variance of unit weight 
* variance components of model observations 
Furthermore statistical information is provided in 
separate files: 
* covariance matrices of object points 
(computation of error ellipsoids) 
* covariance matrices of projection centers (see 
To help the user analyzing the results the before 
mentioned information can be visualized by use of 
a special graphical analyzing program. 
4.1.6. Blunder Detection 
The bundle adjustment is based on a least squares 
adjustment. The results of least squares adjustments 
are only correct, if the observations are free from 
gross errors. If this is not the case, the gross errors 
must be eliminated from the adjustment. If those 
blunders are not eliminated from the set of observa- 
tions they cause so called smearing effects on all 
estimated parameters. Therefore a statistical test is 
implemented in CAP to detect if the observations 
contain blunders. The test is performed on residuals 
which are divided by there respective standard 
deviation. The computation of the standard devi- 
ation of the residuals involves the inverse of the 
normal equation matrix. Therefore the geometry of 
the block is included in the blunder detection test 
(Pope, 1976). 
4.1.7. Deformation Analysis 
The ability of CAP to perform a free net adjustment 
leads to another ability namely to analyze deforma- 
tions on object points. Therefore a single point test 
statistic is computed. This test value is used to fi- 
gure out if individual points have changed their 
coordinates significantly. The normal equation in- 
verse is included in the computation of the test sta- 
tistic therefore the geometry of the block and also 
the accuracy is included in the deformation analy- 
sis. The deformation analysis is an iterating pro- 
cess. The basic aim is to bring the two object 
coordinate systems of two different epoches into 
the same datum. To figure out which points can be 
used to define the datum, the test statistic is used. 
The method is used successfully in industry for 
regular tool inspections and also on huge deforma- 
tions (e.g. crash tests). 

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