Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

E. Stambouloglou 
This paper presents test and results for 
ASTRI (Analytical STereo Restitution Instrument), the 
for Analytical Photogrammetry. 
Architectural Photogrammetry 
should be of high 
(Greece) because of 
of Hellenic 
centrated in 
interest in Hellas 
the enormous amount 
cultural heritage con- 
the country and the Mediter- 
ranean area during the last three  thou- 
sand years. 
Unfortunately this interest is not acti- 
vated very often. It is always a custom 
in Greece to get 
advantage of the 
approach in cases where 
conventional methods have no chance to 
provide the appropriate surveys to the 
specialists for the conservation and re- 
storation of Monuments and Sites. 
Early last year the Municipality of the 
City of Rhodos entrusted the 
Photogrammetric Survey of the Medieval 
Walls to my private firm " Stambouloglou 
and Associates'. 
The Walls surround the old city with a 
perimeter of approximately five kilome- 
tres. A deep ditch with 20 to 50 meters 
width separates the walls and the old 
city from the modern one. 
According to the signed contract two 
types of Photogrammetric surveys where 
required. The first was the facades of 
the Walls in scale 1:200 for the total 
perimeter and the second was the detail 
survey of facades in scale 1:50 for some 
selected areas damaged or in danger of 
demolition. The requirements of the first 
type of survey where limited to the de- 
scription of basic lines, gates, windows, 
the wall border, and the perimeter of 
damaged areas. For the second type of 
survey a detail restitution of the 
facades was required with all the above 
"lines plus the details of the stonework 
(practically survey of every stone). 
The Medieval Walls are 
can be described geometrically with 
planes and a few curved surfaces. Two 
approaches where selected for the first 
type of Photogrammetric surveys in scale 
1:200. Rectification for the planes and 
Stereo restitution for the curved sur- 
a complex which 
close range applications using the 
low cost simple system 
faces. Two cameras where 
photos. An UMK-10/1318 JENA 
35 mm amateur camera equipped with three 
lenses 28, 50 and 150 mm. A total of ap- 
proximately 1000 photos where taken. The 
first camera was used for the survey in 
1:50, combined with the analytical plot- 
ter DIGICART-40, while the second for 
the scale 1:200 with  ASTRI. A total 
amount of 6100 control points where 
observed and determined using  conven- 
tional geodetic methods and equipment, 
the digital theodolite T-1000 WILD 
equipped with a DIOR 3002 WILD EDM. 
used for the 
and a CANON 
The control points were all 
detail points on the Walls 
surfaces dete- 
rmined from ground stations. An Ana- 
lytical rectification program using the 
digitizer and the DLT method gave the 
solution to the survey of the planes. As 
an extension to this first approach the 
new low cost system ASTRI was conceived 
and constructed for the reduction of data 
from  non-metric, semi-metric and metric 
cameras for both monoscopic and stereo- 
scopic photos. A description of the ASTRI 
is given in Stambouloglou 1992. 
The expected accuracy of the Analytical 
Photogrammetric Restitution is evaluated 
theoretically with complex or simple for- 
mulae depending on the mathematical 
model and the assumptions used. Complex 
formulae give the rigorous evaluation of 
the accuracy concerning all measured data 
(direct or indirect measurements). Most 
of the Stereo Photogrammetric  applica- 
tions are very close to the normal case, 
for which the evaluation of accuracy can 
be derived with the application of error 
propagation to the simple formulae 
Bx omini 

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