Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

4.1.8. Multi-Media Photogrammetry 
Today, bundle triangulation programs are usually 
based on the functional model of collinearity. The 
deviations from ideal central projection (e.g. lens 
distortion, film unflatness and deformations etc.) 
are modelled by additional image error describing 
parameters. Such a functional model is usually in- 
appropriate for applications where light-refracting 
surfaces are located between the object and the pro- 
jection centers, e.g.: 
» under water photogrammetry, 
- mapping in shallow water, 
+ survey of sheltered objects, 
correction for errors generated by reseau plates. 
In those cases the functional model must be ex- 
tended for considering light refracting surfaces 
(Kotowski, 1987, 1988). 
Inspired by pratical requirements CAP includes a 
sophisticated mathematical model for mult-media 
4.1.9. User Interface 
CAP is a batch program. Once the program is 
started the user doesn't need to interact any more 
with the adjustment program. But he is constantly 
informed on the computers screen about the current 
status of the program. 
4.1.10.Performance of CAP 
To give an impression of the over all performance 
of the algorithms implemented in CAP the table 1 
below shows some results of computation times of 
projects of various size. The over all computation 
times include finding the adjacency structure of the 
block, solving the least squares adjustment by New- 
ton Gauss method, computation of the inverse of 
the normal equation matrix, computation of all sta- 
tistical values and saving all results to output files. 
Example: A B C D E 
# Obj. Points 198 | 58 | 502 | 216 | 84 
# Images 13 12 17 24 38 
# Geod. Observ. 7 17 44 23 S 
# Camera Params. 5 5 5 S 5 
# Unknowns 684 | 257 |1,613| 803 | 492 
Total Redundancy | 1,497 | 744 | 1,963 | 2,050 | 1,015 
# Iterations 6 5 4 4 5 
Time [sec] 220 | 108 | 284 | 354 | 436 
Table 1: Performance of CAP 
All numerical computations were carried out on a 
Compaq 386/20e which was equipped with a 80387 
math coprocessor. 
Besides the standard ASCII file output created by 
CAP there exists a special interface to exchange 
data with the analysis program GRAV. 
GRAV is a highly interactive program. When the 
program is started it will automatically retrieve the 
data of the last bundle adjustment. The first view 
provides the user the object coordinates and loca- 
tions of projection centers in the X-Y plane of the 
object coordinate system. The example used 
throughout this chapter shows an object in the cen- 
ter of the ficld of view and the projection center 
locations around the whole object. 
Number of Links . 
A; Activele ... 
D: Deactvate … 
V: en 
F2: Zoom 
F3: Reset Zoom 
Figure 1: Object and projection centers in X-Y 
The user can view the object from any coordinate 
plane. For better overview the point and image 
numbers can be displayed selectively. To distin- 
guish between different types of object points and 
projection centers the user can define color, shape 
and size of any type which is displayed. On a color 
monitor this makes the analysis of the results very 
c -> 
Nemes ... 
Number of Links . 
A: Activele ... 
D: Deaciivete ... 
F2: Zoom 
F3: Reset Zoom 
Figure 2: Display of object in Y-Z plane. Image 
numbers activated and some rays from images to 
object points. 
The upper left corner of the display region displays 
some status informations. This view shows that the 
images were taken from two height levels. 
A very useful feature for comparison of points of 
interest is the so called split frame mode. In this 
mode the display region is subdivided into four 
small windows. Each of the windows can display 
different i 
Figure 3: 
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Figure 4: 
big frame 
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