Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Winter port we utilized the ORIENT software software calculation is following: 
{ORIENT, 1991 Beside the given traditional routine, 
5 * ; 2 m: 
The main contribution of the ORIENT software in oem ax c bs (2) 
the given case is the determination of the 
actual cable course compared to its theoretical where a = BN 
(fictitious) shape defined hy a quadratic parabaia E 
according to fig, 4 , The graphical comparison is ài 
= = h =~ 
inm Fig.5 ‚2 
As for the suspended cable bridges there are, from 
the view point of their spatial position, twn 
types of cables: 
- carrying cabies that are in the XI piane, as 
shown in fig. 85, 
- lateral cables that in the case nf the Hinter 
part hridose lay in a plane inclined on the 
average by 21.75... 
Fig. the 
: 166 000m d 
; 165 564m 
PT: er room, | P2 
KENT 0.215 * 0.345, 1 
| aay qut I 
e 9*»9oooo»0o9c992*** **^ 
| -0.365 _9373m -0.386 9359 ^ 
Theoretical cable I 
} eo sss. Measured cable .. 
Fig.S Theoretical and measured cable. 
When having 2 uniforely distributed lpad the cable 
will take a Position, that may be expressed by the 
polymonia! ‘Âgacs,1988):

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