Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

1. When the 
retrieve the 
ie first view 
es and loca- 
plane of the 
ample used 
t in the cen- 
(ction center 
Number of Links . 
A: Activate ... 
D: Deactivate ... 
V v 
F2: Zoom 
F3: Reset Zoom 
jters in X-Y 
ny coordinate 
it and image 
y. To distin- 
ct points and 
> color, shape 
:d. On a color 
e results very 
To: oui 
Names ... 
Number of Links . 
A: Activelo ... 
D: Deactvate … 
v: * 
F2: Zoom 
F3: Reset Zoom 
plane. Image 
om images to 
egion displays 
shows that the 
n of points of 
mode. In this 
ided into four 
vs can display 
different informations from the same bundle adjust- 
Number of Links … 
A: Activale … 
D: Deactivate … 
F2: Zoom 
F3: Resel Zoom 
Figure 3: Display in split frame mode. 
At the same time the user can see the object and the 
locations of the projection centers in three different 
coordinate planes. The fourth window displays 
image number 13. Here the point distribution of 
that image can be seen very well. 
The display of image information can also be used 
on the large display. 
13 Q: Quit 
(msx: 0.33800-003 . 4/1 
rmsY. 8.535e-003 => 
Link & 
Links per Point 
AIHF: Scele: 100. 
S: Select 
v ] A l F2: Zoom 
~ ^ Aet F3: Resat Zoom 
e ^ Por ose 
aan CN eue 0 
Y > KEN fe 
^os DTYNDYY P 7 
Figure 4: Display of single image with residuals in 
big frame. 
In the upper left corner the image number and the 
rms values for Xx and y residuals are displayed. The 
color, shape and size of the image points cor- 
respond to the type of points in the object. Resid- 
uals are displayed in the corresponding color too. 
This is very helpful for the analysis of the resid- 
uals. Blunders which are not contained in this 
image are also marked with a special color. Addi- 
tionally those points are surrounded by an extra 
To analyze the results in more detail, the display 
can be zoomed at any time. 
The few examples given in this chapter should de- 
monstrate already the advantages of using graphic 
for the analysis of bundle adjustment results. 
After bundle adjustment and analysis have been fin- 
ished the computed exterior and camera parameters 
are used to form stereo models. The program TOP 
provides interfaces to the output files of CAP and a 
connection to the analytical instrument. The pro- 
gram has to transform the exterior orientation pa- 
rameters from bundle adjustment into a form which 
is suitable for the instrument and the operator. The 
program has to assign a proper orientation and scal- 
ing to the model parameters which are transferred 
to the measuring instrument. With modern types of 
Real-Time-Programs which drive analytical plotters 
(e.g. LMT from Leica) it is possible to interchange 
encoder axes and encoders resolution from the user 
interface of that program. Furthermore it is possi- 
ble by use of an integrated additional transforma- 
tion between input encoders and model to get the 
encoder movements in any arbitrary orientation 
without interfering model or object coordinates. 
This is quite useful for close range applications. 
TOP works closely together with the inner orienta- 
tion program, because the inner orientation of each 
image needs to be checked or repeated after bundle 
adjustment (see chap. 3.2.2) before the model pa- 
rameters are transferred to the instrument. It's also 
important to mention that in case of on the job cam- 
era calibration during bundle adjustment these pa- 
rameters are transferred into the analytical 
Bósemann, W., Godding, R., Riechmann, W., 1990. 
Photogrammetric Investigation of CCD Cameras. 
ISPRS Symposium Com. V pp. 119-126, Zürich 
Brown, D.C., 1974. Evolution, Application and Po- 
tential of the Bundle Method of Photogrammetric 
Triangulation. ISP Symposium, Com. III, Stuttgart 
Brown, D.C., 1976. The Bundle Adjustment - Prog- 
ress and Prospects. ISP Congress, Com. III Helsinki 
Cogan, L., Hinsken, L., 1992. The concept of a 
Photogrammetric Workstation outlined by the ex- 
ample of the LEICA SD2000. ISPRS Congress Com. 
II, Washington D.C. 
Dold, J., 1990. A large format film camera for high 
precision object recording. ISPRS Symposium Com. 
V, pp. 252-255, Zürich 
Dueholm, K., 1990. Multi-Model Stereo Restitu- 
tion. PE&RS, Vol. LVI, No.2, pp. 239-242 
Ellenbeck, K-H, Peters,C., 1989. Volle geome- 
trische Systemkalibrierung metrischer Luftbildkam- 
mern - Ergebnisse der ersten Befliegung des 
Testfeldes Brecherspitze. BuL 57, pp. 96-103 
Fuchs, H.,; Leberl, F., 1984. Universal Analytical 
Plotter Software for Photographs with Perspective 
Geometry (CRISP). ISPRS Congress Com. V pp. 
308-314, Rio de Janeiro 

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