Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

George, A.; Liu, J., 1981. Computer Solution of 
Large Sparse Positive Definite Systems. Prentice- 
Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 
Godding, R., 1990. A system for the photogrammet- 
ric evaluation of digitized high-speed images in the 
automobile industry. ISPRS Symposium Com. V pp. 
314-319, Zürich 
Hanson, R., 1978. A Posteriori Error Propagation. 
Proceedings, Second Int. Symposium on Problems 
Related to the Redefinition of North American Geo- 
detic Networks, Arlington, Virginia 
Hinsken, L., 1985. MOR-S Ein photogrammetrisch- 
geodätisches Ausgleichungsprogramm in Sparse- 
Technik. Deutsche Geodätische Kommision Reihe 
B, Nr. 275, pp. 125-133, München 
Hinsken, L., 1987. Algorithmen zur Beschaffung 
von Näherungswerten für die Orientierung von be- 
liebig im Raum angeordneten Strahlenbündeln. 
Deutsche Geodätische Kommision Reihe C, Nr. 333, 
Knopp, D., 1990. Interactive photogrammetric SyS- 
tem for mapping 3D objects. ISPRS Symposium 
Com. V pp. 728-735, Zürich 
Kotowski, R., 1987. Zur Berücksichtigung lichtbre- 
chender Flüchen im  Strahlenbündel. Deutsche 
Geodátische Kommision Reihe C, Nr. 330, München 
Kotowski, R., 1988. Phototriangulation in Multi- 
Media Photogrammetry. ISPRS Com. V, pp. 
324-334 Kyoto 
Peipe, J., 1990. Eine neue 4"x5" Aufnahmekammer 
für die Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie. ISPRS Sym- 
posium Com. V pp. 256-263, Zürich 
Pope, A., 1970. An Advantageous Alternative Para- 
metrization of Rotations for Analytical Photogram- 
metry. ESSA Technical Report CaGS39, Coast and 
Geodetic Survey, US Department of Commerce, 
Rockville, Maryland. 
Pope, A., 1976. The Statistic of Residuals and the 
Detection of Outliers. NOAA Technical Report NOS 
65 NGS 1, Rockville, Maryland, Reprinted 1979 
Schut, G., 1958/59. Construction of Orthogonal 
Matrices and their Application in Analytical Photo- 
grammetry, Photogrammetria pp. 149-162. 
Snay, R.A., 1976. Reducing the Profile of Sparse 
symmetric Matrices. NOAA Technical Memorandum 
NOS NGS -4, Rockville Maryland, Reprinted 1979 
Wester-Ebbinghaus, W., 1986. Analytische Kam- 
merkalibrierung. Symposium Com. V pp. 77-84, Ot- 
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