Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

EE ER Eum 
= L 
where: X121 and x47j are image coordinates measuring 
on left and right photo respectively for fish eve 
panoramic photo pairs. Considering following formula: 
Nı= B.ıY1—B,Xi = pi Nx B,Y{—B,X! = B* 
Prat PIN pe 
Bx=B»sin A; By =Bcos À 
where: À is directional angle of base B. 
Differential all variations of Eq.(3),(4), we can get 
following Eq. (5) 
; ^; . 
AX s XU I-dBa- X1 XT aBy-E Xie Q 1 eos A X1 sin A)dA- 
7 2 N32 /N2 
-NX OT Q'O' ap, wi GEO OD ae NEG dos 
KARO ak + N 
TNXiDdfi— NaX{ Didf2— NX! E,dx,+ NaX{ E4dxj — 
— NX LF dz, 4- NX ( Fodz5 t NX 4E dx 1 — NX 4E4dx$ 
+NX}F,d={ — N,X1F d=; 
+N,X{G,d0,— N X [E EE 
/ . 
AY FYC EAB.- Y (Ei-iBy Y! 5 (Ÿ; cos A+ X; sin A)JdA- 
7323 1,2 7/32 
—NY! XDD gg, + NY QOO p MY G dw. 
Ry $3 RY 
Xvi Vix: dk + NY! DEEE dk, 
+ N,Y Did fi— N.Y | Dd f= NiY § Exd%o+ NoY { Exdxg — NiY 2 Fidz 
4 NY LF dz - NY 1 Eydx( — N,Y { E,dx} +N,Y 1F,d=1— N2Y 1 Fidei 
+N,Y{ Gdw,— NY: 
ri Hu dB, Z1 à (Y { cos A + X; sin A) dA - 
1,2 Lt: 
—N,Z! (REXELYIYE an az t ET an IE 
dZs,- ZÍ 
— Z(G0 do, 4- NZ1Gida t a LZfP*— Z1 OY 1 - Y1X 2 a4 
Nz) SY pg fk, +L LoP +2 0uX 7 aY 038, 
NZI Dif — pr TOP* + Zu] — YD] drt NiZ{ End] 
Ar Cop 4 ZLOSXL- aY Dd E NZLE dni Lo P 
M ve p* 
*ZUOoXI-2aY)31 dx] —N,Z{E dx; + 7 LesP 
TZiOX1—aY ) ]dz1 — NiZ1 Fidz] (5) 
7 / 
G,=- 21 QGcs si isin?); G,= zi (X1cos 9— Y ; sin 92); 
zm (xx) —al(z,— 20); 
=bj (x= x5) —bi(2— 20); 
fd,(X,— 3X —4,(2,— 29; X 
Y*zmbG—x)—b6O T7 29; Y 
ta 8X 
JT zz ficos 91— sin ei. G,-— 20) cos Kırk (x,— Xp) sin lul; 
p, (SYL), p," (493512), p, "(ETATS 
p* P= P* 
b(X1—alY! 27 Xia (BIN! 
From Eq.(5),we can calculate the estimation of 
accuracy for coordinates of undetermined point and 
extract the permissive value of elements of interior 
and exterior orientation. The formula is also the 
general equation of fish-eye panoramic photograph, that 
is, applied to close range photogrammetry of arbitrary 
photographic case. The following sections are discussed 
respectively the mathematical formula for fish-eye 
panoramic stereo photogrammetry of normal, equally 
tilted, parallel-averted and convergent photography. 
3. The formula of  fish-eye panoramic photo 
pair at normal photography 
At normal photography, two photographic optical axes of 
fish-eve photograph pair are horizontal, parallel each 
other and perpendicular to direction of photographic- 
base. The rotation matrix in this case is identity 
matrix. But the normal photo in reality still remains 
with elemental slender error of exterior orientation 
d?, d?9,, d&;, dw,, dk;, dk,. When the case of small angle 
existes, the approximation of the small value first 
order is applied. Thus the rotation matrix is: 
1 d? — dk 
R=R=RX|—de | — dû) (6) 
—dk du 1 
Substituting Ro R: into Egs. (3),(4) respectively and 
then get Eds. (7): 
He rg] 
Za=Z,+N21=Zs,+N; (^, 7 
; zi 
td (pre) 
Xo, Xs, TN X =Xs.+N, [e 
t hàn- (f. E -— Zg Jet, ] 
Ye.=Ys, +N Xi=Y, +N, [-( 
+= (fs a] 
Zoa9Zs;TtNZ-*ZsytN, [7 IA x )d 
2 v2 => 
v» a 
+ fdw,+ © ee zn )] 

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