Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Jürgen Peipe 
Universität der Bundeswehr München 
Institut für Photogrammetrie und Kartographie 
D-8014 Neubiberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany 
Günter Suilmann 
Rollei Fototechnic GmbH & Co KG 
D-3300 Braunschweig, Fed. Rep. of Germany 
Wilfried Wester-Ebbinghaus 
Technische Universität Braunschweig 
Institut für Photogrammetrie und Bildverarbeitung 
D-3300 Braunschweig, Fed. Rep. of Germany 
ISPRS Commission V 
Réseau cameras are approved tools for high precision three-dimensional coordinate determination of industrial 
objects. Measurement accuracies of 1 part in 100,000 of the object dimension and even better can be achieved by 
photogrammetric systems consisting of large-format cameras, special targeting techniques (use of retro-reflecting 
targets), digital monocomparators, and bundle triangulation software. 
In order to provide a relatively handy and light-weight imaging system offering a sufficiently large photo format, 
the 4x5" réseau camera Linhof METRIKA was further developed in cooperation with Rollei Fototechnic. The 
new camera R. METRIKA offers some special features such as vacuum system, close-meshed réseau plate, pre- 
illumination of réseau crosses, and ring flash. With this camera incorporated in the RolleiMetric industrial 
measurement system, a measuring accuracy of 1 um and better can be obtained for image coordinates. 
The paper outlines the design of the camera and first test results. 
KEY WORDS: Camera, Close-Range, Industrial Photogrammetry. 
1. INTRODUCTION and use the multi-station, multi-photo approach of 
bundle triangulation for the 3-D reconstruction of 
Over the last decade photogrammetric methods have discrete object points. The combined adjustment also 
gained more and more significance in industrial allows for simultaneous determination of image space 
mensuration technology (Fraser, 1988). Key industries parameters, i.e. the elements of interior orientation of 
are aircraft and automobile manufacturers, aerospace the camera. 
companies, and shipbuilders. The quality control of 7. s ; 
components of different size and shape and the In order to meet the precision required in object 
periodic inspection of tools are to be mentioned as space ( < 107), the image coordinate measurement is 
important applications. Measuring task is the three- to be performed with an accuracy of 1 um or better. 
dimensional coordinate determination of object Automatic monocomparators in which digital image 
points. Competitive techniques are based on e.g. processing has replaced human interpretation fulfil 
three-axis coordinate measuring machines or these accuracy demands (e.g. AutoSet from GSI 
theodolite systems. However, photogrammetry offers (Brown, 1988) and Rolleimetric Réseau-Scanner RS1 
facilities for quick on-site data acquisition which can (Luhmann, 1988)). A special signal recording 
be flexibly adapted to various production processes technology using retroreflective targets facilitates both 
(Heister and Peipe, 1990). detection and measurement of image points (Brown, 
Photogrammetric systems tailored particularly for 
high precision applications in industry yield At present, large-format analog cameras cannot be 
measurement accuracies of 1 part in 100,000 of the replaced by CCD cameras due to the small image 
object dimension and even better (Fraser and Brown, area of the electronic sensors. Thus, photographic 
1986; Wester-Ebbinghaus, 1990; Dold and Riech- data acquisition combined with off-line, but 
mann, 1991; Fraser, 1992). Such systems consist of automated film mensuration is still essential if high 
large-format analog cameras, they apply digital precision photogrammetric surveys are to be carried 
monocomparators for automatic film measurement, out. 

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