Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

SER ee EE 
figure 3: testfield used for calibration 
omega phi kappa [| dXO(m) | dYO(m) 
photo1 Ü 0 0 0 0 
2 0 0 200 0 0 
3 0 0 300 0 0 
4 0 0 100 0 0 
5 +20 0 300 +0.1 0 
6 -20 0 100 -0.t 0 
7 0 -10 100 0 +0.1 
8 0 | +10 300 0 -0,1 
d XO, dYO0 = difference of camera position 
reference = photo 1 
table 1: configuration of photos for ca- 
Jens 2050 SNR Jens 53203 SNR 
ck (mm) 72.209 72.887 
| dx0 (mm) 0.037 6.9| 0.4416E- 0.9 
dyO (mm) 0.008 09| -0.1292E4 20 
al 0.5326E-1 0.9 -0.4287E-1 0.5 
a2 -0.7984E-5 0.2 0.2404E-4 0.2 
a3 -0.1036E-5 1.8 -0.2768E-6 0.3 
dek 0.7195E-9 0.2E-4 0.2201E-S 0.5E-5 
SNR = adjusted value / standard deviaton 
table 2: results of calibration for both 
terminati [e] ontr oint 
As mentioned above at the fixing of 
control points restrictions had to be 
obeyed. Therefore, for each part of a 
stone 6 control points were fastened (s. 
fig. 4): screws with a diameter of 5 mm 
and length of 5 cm. They were inserted in 
borings and fixed by a specific adhesive. 
The coordinates of control points were 
determined photogrametically: spatial di- 
stances were measured (s. fig. 4) and 
three photos were taken. Two of these 
photos are in accordance with the stereo 
normal case and serve also for the survey 
of the stone surfaces (s. fig. 5). A self 
constructed tool was used to measure the 
distances within the range of acuuracy of 
0.1-0.2 mm. 
figure 4: configuration of control points 
and measured distances 
The following bundle block adjustment 
was evaluated as a free spatial net and 
the measured spatial distances introduced 
with a standard deviation a priori of 0.1 
mm /Diippe 1984/. In fig. 6-7 and tab. 3 
the standard deviations of control points 
and the residuals of the distances are 
sumed up for the six parts of stones. One 
can see that the required accuracy - es- 
pecially for Z-coordinates - was achie- 
The survey in the second epoche re- 
quires a check of stability of the fixed 
control points. There a strategy 
respective to /Pelzer 1985/ will be ap- 
plied. In order to guard against the loss 
of control points by changing of their 
position compared with epoche one addi- 
tional signals will be attached to the 
stones during the measuring campaign. Af- 
terwards they will be removed. This work 
will be done in the near future. The re- 
sults of the comparison wiil be presented 
in a poster session in Washington. 
prelimi idecations 
Before evaluating stereo models for 
the purpose of surface modelling some ba- 
sic considerations are useful. They refer 
to the accuracy and quality of digital 
elevation models (DEM) derived of measu- 
ring a regular grid, the kind of data 
collection and the realisation of the 

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