Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Jôzef Jachimski and Adam Boron 
The University of Mining and Metallurgy (AGH) 
Cracow, Poland 
The way of adaptation of photo-camera Pentacon Six TL for recording of reseau pictures is presented. An 
economic and accurate way of reduction of photocoordinates to the reseau pattern as well as results of 
camera calibration are described. This non-expensive camera is meant as a toc! for industrial and architectural 
close-range applications. 
KEY WORDS: Instrument Design, Camera-reseau, Close range, Non-metric, Accuracy. 
Semimetric cameras, being accurate, inexpensive and 
easy to use, are each year more often used in various 
engineering and scientific applications and in record- 
ing of historic monuments. At the Photogrammetric 
Research of The University of Mining & Metallurgy 
(AGH) in Cracow a semimetric camera was con- 
structed. It was built on the basis of the Pentacon 
Six TL photographic camera, by equipping it with 
the 1.6 mm thick glass plate with reseau crosses. 
Furthermore a circular level was attached to the 
camera body and a mark was introduced to the 
field of view of the camera view finder to enable 
more accurate angular camera orientation in the 
field. There also was corrected the position of the 
zero-mark of the distance scale on the camera ob- 
jective due to the change of optical properties after 
a glass plate was inserted to the optical system. 
Some changes were done to the film flattering device 
to make there more room for glass-plate which was 
added up. 
The camera to which the reseau plate had been inserted 
not only better flattens the film in the fiducial reseau 
plane, but also registers on each picture the shadows 
of 49 (7x7) crosses (fig2) which correspond to the 
reseau master pattern in the camera. No doubt, the 
most accurate reduction of the photograph errors would 
result from the transformation of each measured point 
onto the nearest four reseau crosses. From the point 
of view of the economy of time, however, it would be 
better to reduce the number of reseau active crosses 
which are to be measured on each semimetric 
photograph. It was proofed that 9 reseau active crosses 
give the most convenient configuration. The pictures 
made using semimetric-reseau camera fit well for high 
precision surveys, can be evaluated using analytical 
plotting techniques and also the old analogue-type 
plotters (Boron & Jachimski, 1991). 
Fig.1 The Pentacon Six TL photographic camera 
2.1. Introductory assumptions 
In the professional periodicals there are several 
reports about good surveying results achieved using 
6X6 cm amateur carzeras, or even using 24x36 mm 
In our case, as the result of the survey of available 
cameras, three of them were selected as more or 
less suitable for adaptation for precise photogram- 
metric works. This were 6X6 cameras: Pentacon Six

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