Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

o ——X— 
Fig.8 The corresponding profiles of Specimen II, right 
side. The specimen was precracked and broken up at 
-196? C. The CODi value is smaller than the accuracy of 
the measurement. (a) profile 3, (b) profile 4. 
The profiles are presented in the following figures and give 
a rather good impression, of how the CODi values differ 
between the two specimens investigated. The CODi of 
specimen I is very small, only of the order of the accuracy 
of the analyzing method. The CODi of specimen II is 
larger by a factor 4. 
From the view of fracture mechanics the most interesting 
result of this investigation is that the mode of precracking 
has only a little effect on the critical stress intensity (as it 
should) but a large effect on the critical crack tip opening 
displacement. So it seems that the measured COD of 
Specimen II was formed already during the precracking. If 
the breaking in liquid nitrogen produced this COD, the 
CODi of Specimen I would be not so different from the 
CODi of Specimen II. But the physical reason of this effect 
is not fully understood up to now and should be subject of 
future investigations. 
The measurement method using stereo images from the 
scanning electron microscope is accurate and effective to 
compare the fracture surfaces of the specimen halves. This 
depends mainly on the possibility of identifying 
corresponding points, profiles and structures on the 
conjugate surfaces. The material presented in this paper 
was very suitable for that task and promises good results 
with specimen of similar structured surfaces. 
[1] S.K. Gosh, Photogrammetric calibration of a scanning 
electron microscope. Photogrammetria 31 (1975) 91- 
[2] O. Kolednik, A contribution to tereophotogrammetry 
with scanning electron microscope. Practical 
Metallography 18 (1981) 561-573. 
[3] O. Kolednik and H.P. Stiiwe, The stereoscopic 
determination of the critical crack tip opening 
displacement. Engineering Fractrue Mechanics 21 
(1985) 145-155. 

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