Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

efficiency control of land reclamation works, 
6. definition of mining-exploitation conditions and 
notable the position and work of technological 
sequence, description of excavation and dumping 
ground geometry, the state of working levels, 
localization and work of particularly elements of 
drainage system, etc. 
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Fig.6. Aerial viev of overburden-slops and working 
plane of the liquite open pit mine. Sandy - clay 
ground - massif dissected by water-content zones is 
masked by mining operation features. 
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Fig.7. Water outflows as a slope deformation symptoms 
recognizable on black and white aerial photograph 
because of high contrast and specific pattern. 
Generally, photographs are made in every half year, 
using the scale from 1:5000 to 1:8000. The ortho- 
photomaps are notable useful form of photogeological 
elaboration of plane images for the necessity of mine 
geological service. Orthophotomaps allow not only on 
qualitative estimation of interpreted phenomena and 
processes, but also on quantitative description. 
As a rule, the possibility of uniform interpretation of 
geological features exist with reference to main litho- 
logical and structural elements. Engineering-geological 
phenomena and processes are readable and all slope 
deformation symptoms are easily recognizable. 
Fig.8. Deformations of a dump slopes caused by 
toe-failure process. Upliftings and landslides zone is 
visible round the corner of the dump body. 
et vi 
Fig.9. Aerial viev along the slope of the dump, about 
300 m in height. (each step is 30 m in height). Effects 
of the reclamation activity are visible at the lower 
part of the dump and also an erosion symptom is 
easy to recoquize. 
The stereoscopy observation allows for landslide 
geometry definition, its morphological and structural 
elements, and also for estimation of moving mass 
volume. Aerial image enables moreover the examina- 
tion of rising form in the more wide context of 
geological slope structure, water conditions, etc. 
The projection of images of elements serving to the 
evaluation of land reclamation efficiency, realized 
on stable slopes as well the strip mine as the 
dumping ground is satisfied. 
The remote sensing methods using for the geological 
service of open-cast mines are notable useful and 
desired. The results of realized experiments indicate, 
that remote technic may be successfully applied to 
solve so principal problems as actual mapping of 
overlaid slopes specification and evaluation of 
geological-deposit conditions, recognition and con-

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