Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Brill, M. H. and Williamson, J. R., 1987. 
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction From Three- 
Point Perspective Imagery, Photogrammetric En- 
gineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53, pp. 
Busby, W. E., 1981. Dimensional Analysis of a 
Single Terrestrial Photograph Using the Prin- 
SD ciples of Perspective, Proceedings of the Fall 
LT Symposium, American Society of Photogrammetry, 
A pp. 431-446. 
Flocon, A. and Barre, A., 1987. Curvilinear 
Perspective: From Visual Space to the Con- 
structed Image (translated by Robert Hansen), 
University of California Press, Berkeley. 
Fry, J. M., 1969. Methods of Graphical and 
Analytical Mensuration of Single Terrestrial 
Photographs, M.S. Thesis, University of 
Figure 7. The distorted two-point perspective 
with an oblique grid overlaid atop it. Gracie, G. et al., 1967. Mensurational Pro- 
cedures in Terrestrial Photography, Vol. 2, 
that idea is at the mercy of the design param- Handbook of Analytical Procedures, Naval Air 
eters for any "family" of lenses from any one Systems Command, Washington, D.C. 
manufacturer. The graphical steps for fisheye 
corrections demonstrated in this paper could be Kelley, C. P., 1978-1983. Some Aspects of 
bypassed altogether by computerizing a mathe- Graphical Techniques Involved in the Rectifi- 
matical model to allow analytical photogramme- cation of Hand-Held Single Frame Photography 
try just as is done with "conventional" images (Seminar Notes), National Defense Headquarters, 
at present--the only thing lacking is a compi- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 
lation of the necessary mathematical routines. 
Just as the prototypes of ten years ago are the McNeil, C. T., 1954, Photographic Measure- 
technological realities and mainstays of today, 
perhaps fisheye imaging can expand into a wide 
range of new roles. 
ments, Problems and Solutions, Pitman Publish- 
ing Corp., New York. 
A OWLED NTS Snyder, J. P., 1987.- Map Projections--A Work- 
CKN GME ing Manual, U.S. Geological Survey 
Professional Paper 1395, U.S. Government Print- 
I am indebted to: Cy Kelley for the initial ing Office, Washington, D.C. 
inspiration to try this work; and photogramme- 
trists Tom Lenihan, Steve Horton, Jeff Wil- 
liams, Lou O'Donoghue, and James Sapp for their Williamson, J. Ra. and Brillg M.H., 1997. 
encouragement as the project was developed. I Three-Dimensional Reconstruction From 
also owe special mention for both the recogni- Two-Point Perspective Imagery, Photogrammetric 
tion of the application of the Azimuthal- Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53, pp. 
Equidistant projection to the fisheye problem 331-335. 
and a careful scrutiny of the logic in the paper 
that were provided by a highly insightful con- Wolf, P. R., 1974. Elements of Photogrammetry, 
tributor who wishes to remain unnamed. McGraw-Hill, New York. 
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