Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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Giuseppe Birardi 
Dipartimento di Idraulica, Trasporti e Strade 
dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza" - Italy 
ISPRS Commission V 
A particular procedure of "aerial" triangulation on the external walls of the Coli- 
seum is necessary to insert in an unique reference system their plotting. 
A paper on this subject was presented at the 1989 CIPA Symposium in Rome, but it was 
not published, due to the inactivity of the CIPA organisation. The scientific and ope- 
rative setup of this aerial triangulation, based on the projective bundles approach, is 
now reported here; it presents some interesting peculiarity, due to the variable ellip- 
tic curvature of the wall. Its results, characterized by a sub-centimetric accuracy, a- 
re also reported. 
The procedure is then described to plot the whole wall on an unique reference plane, 
using a dedicated cylindric reference system. 
plotting is finally annexed. 
A table with a consistent portion of the 
The present research is a part of the PROGETTO COLOSSEO of the University of Rome. 
KEY WORDS: Coliseum, Aerial Triangulation, Plotting. 
1. - Foreword 
In a paper presented at the XVI Congress 
of the ISPRS in Kyoto [Birardi et a., 
19881, the general setup of the photogram- 
metric survey of the Coliseum in Rome was 
introduced. We stated what follows: 
1.1 - The plants of the external Northern 
wall El, and of the first internal  Sout- 
hern wall E2 are perfect ellipses (see Ta- 
ble 1). 
This assumption was based on the gra- 
phical measurement of a number of points 
on the external borders of the walls, ta- 
ken from a good pre-existing aerophoto- 
grammetric map, scale 1:500. With the 
program ELLIPSE, based on "best fitting” 
techiques, we obtained hence reliable va- 
lues of the parameters of the said elli- 
pses, and of the adjustment residuals. 
Nevertheless, for a further confirma- 
tion of this assumption we have recently 
re-computed the best fitting ellipses u- 
sing a good number of control points, de- 
termined on the walls by conventional ter- 
rain procedures. We report here below the 
comparison between the two sets of parame- 
ters (schedule 1). 
The little differences between the pa- 
rameters of El and E2 mainly depend on the 
fact that the map measurements were done 
on the external border of the higher cor- 
nices, while the terrain measurements are 
effected on control points however placed 
on the walls. 
Furthermore, the mean residual of the 
terrain E2 ellipse are almost halved as to 
the El; in fact the surface of the E2 wall 
is devoid of capitals, cornices etc., whi- 
le the El wall has plenty of them, on 
which the control points were located. 
What above fully confirms the elliptic 
hypothesis. We hope that with this the ve- 
xata  guaestio of the form of the Coli- 
seum's plant is finally defined. 
1.2 - To get a plane representation of 
the whole wall on an unique cartographic 
plane, it is opportune to use a special 
Schedule 1 
Ellipse Adj. Maj.semiax Min.semiax  Excentr. Perim. Mean adj. 
pts A e^2 L residual 
nr.) (m) (m) (m) (m) 
El (map) 27 95.505 78.910 0.317 549.23 0.30 
nr pterr.) 7 94.631 77.545 0.329 542.14 0.30 
E2 (map) 34 80.681 63.844 0.374 455.53 0.38 
(terr.) 45 80.162 63 

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