Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

vidual needs and requirements. 
Also the details of graphical restitution can be 
prescribed according to individual requirements. 
It is advisable to use different scales for dif- 
ferent purposes: small ones for overall aspects 
and large ones for detail. 
The kind of monument and the requirements for 
details in the document, should be the ruling 
The fact that, working on a model on an analogue 
instrument we obtain graphic data, digital data 
for details concerning architectural parts of the 
monument, or even digital data for further auto- 
matic preparation of orthophoto, is of particular 
importance, especially useful for the formation 
of photogrammetric archives of monuments and his- 
toric centers and the organisation of relevant 
Geoinformation Systems. 
We also consider the application of this procedu- 
re on terrestrial Photogrammetry as feasible. 
ele > 
strate this procedure and can be adapted to indi- 
R uuendfiaN 
Fig. 1: Photointerpretation of the area of Olympia historic center from airphotographs in scale 1:20,000. 
; Bast Portico 
. Palaestra 
. Area of Phidias Atelie 
. Leonidaeon 
. South Thermae 
. Vouleftirion 
. Temple of Zeus 
. Wall 
. Wooded area 
. River 

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