Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Fig. 2: Restitution in scale 1:5,000 from airphotographs in 1:20,000 (reduced). The monuments and points 
of them (113-141) for which digital data were taken and some of the locations (+) that digital 
data were taken indicatively for further preparation of digitally controlled orthophoto, are 
Fig. 3: Restitution in scale 1:1,000 from airphotographs in scale 1:4,000 (reduced). Monument-number 4 
of Fig. 1 (Leonidaeon), some of its points (205-249) for which digital data were taken, and some 
3000. of the locations where digital data were taken indicatively to further preparation of digitally 
controlled orthophoto are illustrated. 

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