Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

L. Baratin (*), A. Capra (**), C. di Thiene (*), G. Folloni (**), F. Guerra (*), 
G. Lombardini (***), P. Russo (****), D. Stumpo (**), C. Trevisan (*), L. Vittuari (**). 
* Centro Interdipartimentale di Cartografia, Istituto Universitario di Architettura, Venezia. 
** [stituto di Topografia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Bologna. 
*** Istituto Genio Rurale, Facoltà di Agraria, Università di Viterbo. 
*" Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università di Ferrara. 
ISPRS Commission V. 
Different analytical systems that are on the market use a simplified and low cost instrumentation (plane-table, 
stereoscope, PC). So it seems necessary to compare the different systems with respect to their accuracy, their 
economy (for time and cost) and their applicability. 
We tested only tridimensional systems whose application was proved that we could analyze. 
The comparison was carried out in some experimental fields with respect to only numerical examination without 
taking into consideration graphic representation problems. 
The evaluations on various systems compatibilty with regard to different field requirements (possible applications, 
scale of representation) will be made on the basis of obtained results. 
Metric, Architectural, Non-conventional, Photogrammetry. 
Outside the perimeter of the Roman city, in an area At the beginning of the XIIIth century the cloister was 
dedicated to the pagan divinity Iside has been founded raised one floor over the twenty arches on the ground 
the monumental complex of Santo Stefano in Bo- floor dateble to the year one thousand, above which 
logna, known today as "the seven churches"; a name 
derived from the successive construction of Christian 
buildings on the same site. 
Saint Petronio, patron saint of the city, was the bishop 
of Bologna from 431 to 450. During his life he visited 
Jerusalem where in 415 were found the relics of Santo 
Stefano, the worship of whom spread rapidly throug- 
hout the Christian world. 
Legend has it that Saint Petronio founded this mo- 
nastic complex to symbolically recreate the sites of the 
passion of Christ and according to the tradition of the 
time has been buried there. Medieval ecclesiastical 
sources refer to this large monastery as the Sancta f 
Hierusalem because of the centrally planned building, L 
the "rotunda" of Santo Stefano, built in imitation of A 
the Anastasis or shrine of the Holy Sepulcher in L 
Jerusalem constructed during the Costantine period to Bas 
protect the holy site. 
The urban renewal and rebirth of the building in- 
dustry throughout Europe dating back to XIth century n 
was of interest to the Benedictine monks of Santo 
Stefano who invested in vast and articulate programs 
of embellishment and transformation of churches, Fig. 1 
cloisters, and chapels. It was here that in the year 1141 General plan of the Monastery; the dotted line shows the test 
: : 3 : : object. The various buildings are named as follows: 1. San Giovanni 
the ancient relics and grave of Saint Petronio, which Battista; 2. crypt; 3. Santo Stefano; 4. Santi Vitale e Agricola; 5. 
had been deliberatly hidden to preserve them from Atrium; 6. Santa Croce del Golgota; 7. cloister; 8.9. museum; 10. 
barbarian pillage were rediscovered. Sancta Sanctorum 

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