have been superimposed four different corner col-
umns and fifty-two small twin columns some of
which have capitals decorated with grotesque and
anthropomorphic figures.
The research program was jointly initiated by the
Istituto di Topografia of the University in Bologna
and the Photogrammetric Laboratory of the Centro
Cartografico of the School of Architecture in Venice.
The purpose of this program is to compare non-stere-
oscopical photogrammetric systems in view of a
standardization which will regulate techniques and
procedures of architectural survey. The ultimate goal
is to clarify the limits of compatibility of the various
With this goal in mind, the cloister of Santo Stefano
has been identified as an ideal field of experiment for
the following reasons:
- the architectural configuration on two levels sim-
plifies the organization and the operations as the area
on the first floor is protected and easily accessible;
- the stone columns have bases and simply decorated
capitals and do not present particular difficulties in
the phase of restitution; :
- the wall structure is visibly off axis and out of plumb.
The brick surface has been restored in different
periods with the insertion of stone elements and
small brick decorations at the top of the walls. It will
be therefore possible to verify all the systems at the
various scales of representation.
We foresee two phases of experimentation:
- the first is to determine the accuracy of the various
- the second is to verify the suitability of the systems
in the survey and representation of different architec-
tural elements.
In the first phase the intention is to operate only on
marked targets to check the optical characteristics and
the quality of the hardware and software, excluding
Fig. 3
The topographic stations and the targets of the west and north
for the time being the identification of homologous
architectural points. The experimentation will be con-
ducted on one hand rigorously respecting the appli-
cable principles dictaded by the various systems, and
on the other hand by imposing our own criteria to
have a more homogeneous and therefore more com-
parable results in the field of precision.
We have therefore created a univocal reference sys-
tem that is determined by the position of points sur-
veyed with multiple forward resection and distance
measurement. The points have been marked on half
the perimeter of the cloister (fig. 1). This spacial dispo-
sition allows one to evaluate the various photogram-
metric systems with special attention to the possibility
of detecting systematic effects produced by depth var-
iations on the surveyed object.
The area to survey is made up by the entire north fa-
cade (fig. 2) and half of each of the adjacent facades.
The surface has been marked with 245 targets (fig. 3);
each target consists of a disk three centimeters in di-
ameter made of a special reflective film upon which is
printed a grid. The use of this reflective film allows to
take the distance measure with EDM.
The diameter of the disc and the grid correspond to
the demands of precision in topographic measure-
ment and in collimation during photogrammetric res-
The targets were distributed across the three facades
according to a grid of about 1 x 0,7 m which was kept
as regular as possible excepting of course in those areas
impossible to mark due to the geometry of the archi-
tectural elements. On the north facade 121 targets were
distributed in 9 lines and 15 columns.
The survey was then taken from four marked stations
that establish the vertices of a plano-altimetric net-
work with a trapezoid shape (fig. 3). Each vertex was
marked following the principles of forced centering.
The measures were taken with a total station Wild TC
2000. The targets of the main facade were surveyed
with linear and angular measurement from at least
three stations while the adjacent facades were sur-
veyed from the two stations on the opposite side.
The results of the tridimensional adjustment in re-
ference to the O-X-Y-Z system indicate that the stand-
ard deviation of the coordinates Sx, Sy and Sz for
nearly all the targets never exceeded 2 mm. A digital
model of the north facade has been performed using
the measured points pertaining the brick surface (fig.
4). A series of color photographs were taken also with
Galileo Veroplast metric camera and to complete the
test, an analytical restitution has been made with
Galileo Digicart 40 (fig. 5 - 6 - 7).
The work will be articulated in two phases:
1) evaluation of accuracy;
2) evaluation of different survey procedures.