B. Crippa, L. Mussio
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento I.I.A.R. - Sezione di Rilevamento
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
20133 Milano
H.G. Maas
Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
ETH - Hoenggerberg
CH -8093 Zurich
Objects transparent to wavelenghts to which photogrammetric sensors are
sensitive or opaque objects with
fractal dimension near to three are 3D
(real) examples in photogrammetric practice. The spatial analysis of 3D
objects involves deterministic and stochasticapproaches. The former concerns
the finite element method by using spline interpolation, the latter implies an
optimal filtering of a signal from noise by covariance estimation, covariance
function modelling and collocation. An application shows the discussed spatial
analysis methods to velocity fields
particle tracking velocimetry.
KEY WORDS: 3D, Algorithm, Accuracy
Three - dimensional particle tracking velocimetry
(3D-PTV) is a well known technique for the
determination of three-dimensional velocity fields
in. flows. Tt is based on the discrete
visualization of flows with small, reflecting,
neutrally buoyand tracer particles and a
stereoscopic recording of image sequences of the
particles marking the flow. A powerful 3D PTV has
been developed at the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in a cooperation of the Institute of
Geodesy and Photogrammetry with the Institute of
Hydromechanics and Water Resources Management
(Papantoniou/Dracos, 1989; Papantoniou/Maas, 1990;
Maas, 1990, 1992). A flow scheme of this 3D-PTV is
shown in Figure 1.1.
marking of flows
recording and digitization
of image sequences
image preprocessing
| image coordinate determination I hed
7 mm
[ establishment of correspondences i
a 3-D coordinate determination 7
| tracking in object space ]
3-D interpolation
Figure 1.1 - Flow scheme of a 3D-PTV
There are two different goals in the application
of PTV: one is to follow a relatively small number
of particles over a longer period of time in order
to do Lagrangian statistics on the particles
trajectories, the other is the determination of
in turbulent flows determined by 3D
There are two different goals in the application
of PTV: one is to follow a relatively small number
of particles over a longer period of time in order
to do Lagrangian statistics on the particles
trajectories, the other is the determination of
instantaneous velocity fields from a large number
of particles. Due to the highseeding density
required by this second goal some ambiguity
problems occur in the identification of particle
images, in the establishment of stereoscopic
correspondence (Maas, 1992b) and in tracking
(Malik et al., 1992). It can be shown that with a
simple stereoscopic camera arrangement positions
of at maximum 300-400 particles can be determined
reliably. Systems for higher spatial resolutions
have to be based on three or even four cameras
imaging the flow synchronously in order to be able
to solve ambiguities in the establishment of
stereoscopic correspondences (Maas, 1992b).
Using standard video hardware equipment (CCIR norm
cameras, images digitized to 512x512 pixels) a
maximum of 1000 simultaneous velocity vectors at a
temporal resolution of 25 velocity fields per
second could be determined in practical
experiments. The standard deviation of particle
coordinates in an observation volume of about
200x160x50 mm" determined by a three-camera system
was 0.06 mm in X,Y and 0.18 mm in Z (depth
coordinate). Due to imperfections of the
calibration, illumination effects and influences
of the shape and surface properties of particles
their coordinates in consecutive datasets are
correlated; it could be proved that the accuracy
of the displacement vectors derived from the
particle coordinates is significantly better than
the standard deviation of particle coordinates
(Papantoniou-Maas, 1990).
The result of a 3D-PTV is a set of velocity
vectors at random positions in a 3D
observation volume which has to be interpolated
onto a regular grid. Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.3
show two examples of measured velocity fields.