Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Crippa, B., Mussio, L., (1987). The New ITM System 
of the Programs MODEL for Digital Modelling. 
Proceedings of the Int. Colloquium on Progress in 
Terrain Modelling, O. Jacoby and P. Frederiksen 
(Eds), Technical University of Denmark, 
Copenhagen, 20-22 May, 1987. 
Crippa, B., De Haan, A.,. Mussio, L., (19838). The 
Formal Structure of Geodetic and Photogrammetric 
Observations. Proceedings of the ISPRS IC-WG III/VI 
Tutorial on "Mathematical Aspects of Data 
Analysis", Pisa, 1-2 June, 1989. 
Dahm, W., Southerland, K., Buch, K. (1990). Four- 
dimensional Laser Induced Flourescence 
Measurements of Conserved Scalar Mixing in 
Turbulent Flows. Proocedings 5th Int. Symposium on 
the Application of Laser Techniques in Fluid 
Mechanics, Lisbon, 9-12 July, 1990. 
De Haan, A.,  Mussio, kis (1989). Kinematic 
Levelling Adjustments with Polynomials and 
Polynomial Splines. Geodesia e Scienze Affini, n. 
3, 1989. 
Maas, H.G., (1990). Digital Photogrammetry for 
Determination of Tracer Particle Coordinates in 
Turbulent Flow Research. Int. Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 28, part 
5/1, Zurich, 3-7 September, 1990. 
Maas, H.G., (1992a). Digitale Photogrammetrie in 
der Dreidimensionalen Stromungsmesstechnik. Ph. D. 
Thesis No. 9665, ETH Zurich. 
Maas, H.G., (1992b). Complexity Analysis for the 
Establishment of Image Correspondences of Dense 
Spatial Target Fields. Int. Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 29, in 
Malik, N., Dracos, T., Papantoniou, D., Maas, H.G., 
(1992). Particle Tracking Velocimetry in Three-di- 
mensional Turbulent Flows - Pert II: Particle 
Tracking and Langrangian Trajectories, Short Course 
on Flow Visualization and Flow Structures, Zurich, 
30 March - 3 April, 1992. 
Papantoniou, D., Dracos, T., (1989). Analyzing 3D 
Turbulent Motion in Open Channel Flow by Use of 
Stereoscopy and Particle Tracking. Advances in 
Turbulent 2, H.H. Hernholz and H.E. Fiedler (Eds), 
Papantoniou, D., Maas, H.G., (1990). Recent 
Advances in 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry. 
Proceedings 5th International Symposium on the 
Application of Laser Techniques in Fluid Mechanics, 
Lisbon, 9-12 July, 1990. 
Sanso, E., Tscherning, C.C. (1982). Mixed 
Collocation: a  Proposal.Quaternones  Geodaesiae, 
University of Thessaloniki, 3 January, 1982. 
Sansoó, F., Schuh, W.D. (1987). Finite Covariance 
Functions. Bulletin Geodésiqué, n. 61, 1987. 

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