There are two solutions for O : Let the direction ratios of the x-sxis
a) 9-289 0% 6. « 190" relative to the spsce s
= 6, >
sud b> 8 = = 6,
The coordinates of P(x ,y,)can now be
zm fb: gg) (25)
which sre unknown till now. This vector
is perpendiculsr to £z and. subtends an
angle = S with the vector 7 slong 8,85
+ 8)
x, + 15cos Co,
: given by
v = vit l5sin fa, + e
X= (5% 00 (7-7, v (2-0. (28)
To reveal the ambiguity about the values » = s
of €, the above procedure is repeated
using a third point äg with s4. One of The two equations
the new solution of (x oy should > = = Ix| . [vl cos a, (27)
coincide with one of the first ones. This
is chosen to be the correct answer. It is +
to be noted that if all image points are end 2°> x = 0 (28)
taken into consideration, the least
squares technique can be applied to find
the most probable position of the can be solved simultaneously for a : b : o.
principal point p. They yield & quadratic equation, which can
be easily solved.
Determination of The Angular Orientation
Parameters o, à and x
There are three rotations necessary to
transform the space coordinate system O,
X, Y, 2 into a position parallel to the
image plane system o, X, y, z, fig.(3)}.
At first the space system is rotated
&bout the Y-sxis through an angle # to the
position X, > Y= Xx. Zi - The X, axis is
parallel to d, the line of intersection of
H with the XZ-plane. Next, the new system
is rotated about the X,-axis through an
angle c to the position X,= Xi, as Za
a x: o£
such that 2, is parallel to Z. Finally, fis. (3)
the second system is rotated through an
angie x about the 2, axis to the position
X x. Ya // v; 13 : La // z. Hence Finally, the rotation angles can be
calculated as follows
, + —
= À ca,x) sus dz o. uo C (28)
i Kar {21} idi. 1X1 Y A? 4 p?
w={ (Z,.2)
pe >
2 rudy Asc
The values of these angles depend on the SOS wm zi 0 rar” (30)
direction of the vectors along the Iz] . Zi | y A*4C? / A?^*B^4c*
different lines. epa v
The direction ratios of Z is the same as and
the normal to H, hence m oe
s d x = aC - cA
+ gos à = — = 2 y s (31)
ZC ATE C9 (223 | d| ix 1 en 1 Be
Those of d are perpendicular to z and Y :
d=ix = (C0 v8 5 CEO) :
F, is also perpendicular to both Ÿ and d, The developed method has been verified
th ® using both = mathematical model and =
en PS : x :
s a 1 ; practical approach. A mathematical
Z,*dxY3€«4-:0:0»5 (24) simulation of a photograph of an object