Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Photograph processing, control point esta- 
blishments and element measurements for the 
horizonthal plane and sections were made at 
the same time. 
Each photogrammetric station location has 
been established by X,Y,Z coordinates, 
viewing to support the processing programme. 
(a)Architectural survey was, in fact, a 
stereoplotting to obtain a 1:20 scale front 
plane-elevations - giving all architectonic 
features, especially, cracks and damages. 
Inside, apses, arches and vaults have been 
measured, projecting them on the plane and 
on the expanded plane for each of them. 
Some 1:100 scale sections, i.e. a longitu- 
dinal section (Figure 2) through the church 
axis corresponding to X axis of the refe- 
rence system and transverse ones (Figure 3) 
through the altar towers have been made 
photogrammetrically, both inside and out- 
side, representing the building details. 
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composition and contouring lines at a 1:10 
scale, (Figure 4) numbering pictures on 
lines and columns pertinent to each wall. 
Mural painting photoelevation has been made 
based on the known control points, using a 
Carl Zeiss Jena Rectimat photorectifier. 
Monocular photograph plotting in a Techno- 
cart plotter and computer-assisted data 
digitizing and processing using a DZT plot- 
teri for automatic drawing have been applied 
to get picture elevation showing the main 
contours (see item 7 b). 
Pictures on a curved surface have been 
projected on an expanding surface plane, 
using an automatic computer-assisted inte- 
grated system (see, item 7 a). Projection 
in a rectifier has used photographs taken 
for the apse and vault curved surfaces. 
An automatic computer-assisted processing 
using the taken photographs has been made, 
such as: 
Figure 2. 
A 1:100 scale horizonthal section plane 
foi the church floor containing building 
details measured photogrammetrically and/or 
direct topographically has been compiled. 
(b)The mural painting survey contains 
photoelevation of the mural pictures 
assembled on the walls and pilasters at a 
1:5 scale; tracing pictures by the main 
Longitudinal Section 
(a) stereo pair of photographs have been 
plotted using a Carl Zeiss Jena Stecometer 
coupled to a IBM/PC-AT computer, having a 
proper "STEKO" software, and a Carl Zeiss 
Jena DZT plotter, to measure the expanding 
surfaces of the curved apse, arch, penden- 
tive and vault surfaces. 

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