Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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Figure 3. Transverse Section 
Programme requires as input data: camera 
constant, photographing station heights; 
base value, W inclination angle, ( deflec- 
tion angle, X,Y,Z coordinates of the con- 
trol points. Files of the measured point 
coordinates and X,Y/X,Z/Y,Z plane,having 
details plotted to be used in rectifying, 
drawn on a DZT plotter are output data. 
Programme also requires to specify the 
surface to be plotted, i.e. plane, cylin- 
drical and/or double-spherical ones. 
The cylindrical surface has known no res- 
triction in its expanding, as there is a 
true correspondence between the real and 
expanding curves. A generatrix of the 
cylinder and three points along the curve 
are given to calculate the cylinder radius 
needed as processing data. 
The double-spherical (quadric) surface 
having two directions perpendicular on 
various spherical curvatures is established 
by three marked points on each direction. 
The expanding surface is a "broken plane 
support" used to rectify the mural painting 
(c) A "Karto" programme has been used in an 
automatic main mural painting contour plot- 
ting. An automatic plotting configuration 
consists of: "Kar A-2/MU" Cartometer coupled 
to a IBM-XTPC compatible computer, having 
a driver coprocessor with a minimum 720 KB 
external storage. That programme uses Kar- 
A-2/MU hardware facilities digitizing the 
photograph, establishing U and V coordinates 
of the four control points with X,Z coordi- 
nates. The transforming and rectifying com- 
putation programme establishes X,Z coordi- 
nates of the digitized points located on 
the main mural painting contours to be 1e- 
gistered into a file. A DZT plotter could 
be coupled to the system configuration to 
draw the 1:10 scale plotted contours.That 
programme has been also checked in the ar- 
chitectural photograph plotting, using any 
photographing plane as against the object 
one. The same findings as those ones of the 
analogical plotting have been got,showing 
the same detail and accuracy. 
Cavalieri and isometrical perspectives have 
been used to represent the church spatially. 

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