rj Field A2 A2 A3 A3
[regain — à [m | m [ m | 5
| Perioés | Field
8 | s
puce] BY : Y Y Y Time t
| Video Signal |
A = Field Field Field Field Field Field
[, 20ms ,|
Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3
| 40ms |
—— |
Fig. 6: Temporal interdependence of video si-
gnal and integration periods (IL-sen-
Fig. 6 shows the temporal interdependence between
the actual video signal and the integration period
to which it belongs. The integration period for the
video signal of a field are the two preceding
fields. For example (see Fig. 6), the information
of field B1 was integrated during the read-out pe-
riods of fields Al and A2. At every time two conse-
cutive fields are exposed simultaneously. Perfect
exposure of the profile (with full spatial resolu-
tion) must take place during periods of simultane-
ous exposure of two fields (for example fields Bl
and B2) belonging to the same frame (for example
frame B). For every frame the period of simultane-
ous integration of both fields is the read-out pe-
riod of the second field of the preceding frame.
Exposures during this periods will be integrated in
both fields of the next frame. One scan in this pe-
riod will be detected with full spatial resolution.
Hence the following aspects are essential for syn-
chronization of IL cameras to systems with scanning
illumination or flashlight illumination:
- The two fields of a frame are read out in an
interlaced modus, but each sensor element in-
tegrates charge packets for a full frame pe-
- During the read-out period of the second
field of a frame both fields of the next fra-
me are integrated simultaneously. If the
scanner (resp. flashlight) is active during
this period of approximately 20 ms, the next
frame will contain one exposure with full
spatial resolution.
= IL cameras will show only very little smear
effects, even for accidential exposure during
transfer periods.
For this reasons interline-transfer CCD cameras
will be preferable detectors for use in systems
with scanning or flashlight illumination.
Synchronization in the presented measuring system
The selected CCD camera (SONY XC 77 CE) is based on
an interline-transfer sensor. Exposure of the ob-
ject must take place during the integration period
of any second field. The next frame of the video
signal will contain the desired image and has to be
captured by the frame grabber of the host computer.
A reproducible relation between camera cycles,
scanner motion and frame grabber is assured with
the following procedure:
23) Generation of the scanner program:
Starting with user-defined coordinates for starting
and final point of the scan vector the host compu-
ter calculates the scanner program in such manner,
that the laser beam will move along the scan vector
during the integration period of 20 ms. Different
vector lengths will cause varying exposure of the
profile. Later on this drawback will be abolished
by controlling the laser power from host computer.
2) Programming the scanner unit:
The host computer programs the scanner electronics.
The mirrors move to the starting point, the scanner
unit stores the coordinates of the final point and
waits for the execution command.
3) Svnchronizing with camera timing:
The host computer waits for the next vertical blan-
king pulse (i.e. the beginning of the next full
frame). Then it gives execution order for the scan-
ner unit.
4) Scanning:
The scanner waits for the beginning of the second
field (experimentally determined delay time). Then,
after acceleration of the mirrors, the laser is
switched on and the laser beam moves along the scan
vector. The scanner electronics independently cal-
culates flat-field corrected 'micro-steps' for the
mirror motion.
5) Image acquisition:
The host computer grabs the next frame of the came-
ra signal for evaluation in the frame storage.
With this procedure a correct exposure of a full
frame is assured independent from length or posi-
tion of the scan vector. Remember that the laser
beam is switched on only for an exposure time of
20 ms, which reduces possible dangers of the invi-
sible laser diode beam significantly.
The position of the profile is evaluated in each
vertical column (or horizontal line, depending on
the direction of the profile) of the computer image
with subpixel accuracy. Thus each column delivers
one measuring point and each leg of the profile
composes of about 200-250 data points for profile
positions. Linear regression for each leg yields to
predictions for the straight lines with statistical
improved accuracy. For absolute measurings of ben-
ding angles the conclusion from profile's positions
in computer image to 3-D coordinates of workpiece
surface must be drawn.
Gaussian interpolation algorithm
Subpixel accuracy profile position in each column
is achieved using interpolation algorithms. First
the computer searches in each line resp. column of
the computer image for the pixel with maximum in-
tensity, assuming it to be an approximate position
of the profile. An interpolation function is fitted
through the intensity distribution of this pixel
and its direct neighbours. The calculated center
position of the interpolation function is interpre-
ted as position of the profile in this line resp.
column of the computer image. Hence the profile is
now represented by 512 data points with subpixel
A lot of interpolation algorithms have been discus-
sed by different authors (see for example [6],
[7], [13], [14], [15]). Interpolation algorithms
based on Gaussian distribution curves are quite ob-
vious, because the peak of almost every laser beam
intensity distribution shows approximately Gaussian
character. Eg. (1) denotes this assumption by
IG) - A:exp(- C27) (1)
I(x) Gaussian intensity distribution
A,B,C amplitude, width and center position
of the Gaussian distribution curve.
The information from at least three pixels is ne-
cessary to calculate the three parameters A,B,C of
the Gaussian interpolation curve. Let these three
pixels be the pixel x, with maximum intensity I,
and two of its neighbours (x,,I,) and (xy,I,) with
1,<I, and I,<I,. Essential for calculating profile
positions is only the center position C of the
Gaussian distribution curve, which is determined by
Eq. (2)
with 1: Lint, /1,)
_ (Xp-Xo) L-R? inn) (L*R) (2)
2 L-R 3
and Roma Ko
Xp” Xo