Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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3.2. Setting Control point Targets 
As an object for this experiment, control point 
targets on a wall in a room and the target area 
is 3m (L) x 3m (W) approximately. 
For the control point allocation and the target 
shape, see fig. 6. Total of 56 targets were set 
on the wall with the depths of 4 steps ( wall 
surface, 12.5cm, 25cm and 50cm) being fixed on 
the wall by attaching aluminum bars onto the 
bolts on the wall surface. 
Fig.6 Control point Allocation and 
the Target Shape (Full size) 
3.3. Metric Camera 
PENTAX PAMS-645 was used for taking pictures. 
The camera is a terrestrial photogrammetric 
camera of fixed focus length and has four 
fiducial marks, vacuum system, etc. Interior 
orientation of the camera is calibrated and 
corrected photo coordinates based on the data 
sheet attached. In this experiment, the camera 
was used, attached to the telescope part of the 
transit for IMS by using an adaptor. 
3.4. Determination of Exterior Orientation 
Procedures to obtain exterior orientation 
parameters are shown as following order: 
(1) By using the IMS system, determine the 
positions of transits on the right and left 
hand sides and measure the control point 
target accurately. 
(2) At the measured control point targets, take a 
photograph almost vertical against the wall 
with the camera attached to the transit, give 
orientation of single photograph thorough 
positions of the transits and collimating 
angle as initial parameter and obtain the 
correcting values (AX, AY, AZ, Aw, Ag and 
Ax) of positions and tilts of transit and 
camera. Keep this relation between the 
transit and the camera after this. 
(3) Collimate a target around the center and take 
a stereo photograph. 
(4) Obtain the horizontal angles (4) and the 
vertical angles (o) of collimating 
direction of the transits by calculating 
three coordinates (as shown in fig. 7) of 
the transits on the right and the left 
hand sides and the target. 
(5) Determine the exterior orientation 
parameters from the correcting values and 
the actual measured values. 
(6) Divide the exterior orientation parameters 
into relative and absolute orientation 
parameters and converts them into the 
orientation parameters which are necessary 
to the stereo image workstation. 
Target area 
ec x, Y. 2) 
> X 
(X01, YO1, Z01) ST2 
(X02, Y02, 202) 
Fig.7 Orientation Processing by Using the IMS 
3.5. Experiments Results 
Results of 3D measurements by the 
conventional orientation procedures (case A) 
and the IMS orientation procedures (case B). 
are described below. Also, even in the 
conventional orientations, the camera 
positions and angles, obtained by the IMS, 
are used as approximate values. 
® Camera arrangement:Convergence photography 
€ Focus length of camera : f=44.979(mm) 
® Length for camera and object: H=3 (m) 
€ Base-line length for cameras: Bz1.5m 
Assuming coordinate measuring accuracy of the 
stereo image system (resolution) : op=7 (um), 
measuring accuracy of coordinates in 3D 
measurement can be obtained by the following 
[Theoretical value of plane coordinates] 
gXi= dy = TA op = 0.467(mm) 
[Theoretical value of depth coordinate] 
H H 
gZ = >: = op = 0.934(mm) 

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