Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Lu Jian , Lin Zongjian ‚Pan Dongchao 
Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying & Mapping 
39 Loyu Road, Wuhan 430070, 
ISPRS Commission V 
This paper presents a sub-realtime 3-D coordinate measuring system with single CCD camera for 
a moving body .The signalised points of a moving body can be realtime-tracked and realtime 
-recorded in 50 times per second . A double light-paths collecting device which is placed in 
front of a CCD camera ,is used to capture the stereoscopic image of a moving body. For 
3-D measurément, the steroescopic pair can absolutely keep the synchronism of double- 
images . The double light-paths collecting device can be a simple double-reflecting mirrors 
orimaging optical-fiber device. The videoimage signal digitized with a A/D converter and input a 
micro-computer image processing system, which is used for the determination of feature points 
and the derivation of coordinated .A 3-D closed-range testfield is used for the detemination of 
the interior and exterior orientation of the camera and of parameters of lens distoration. The 
signalesed points on moving body are detected by automatic match algorithm with subpixle accu- 
racy .This system has been using for the study of human gaits .Using simple reflecting-mirrors 
device in 6 meters view field, the accuracy 
of the first test can be as point nought five 
KEY WORDS: Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Match, Stereo-Photographing, CD Camera, 
Sub-Pixel Detect, DLT-Direct Linear Transformation. 
The recent developments in the fields of pattern 
recognition and computer vision open a new way 
to measure and analysis moving objects. The 
present-day realtime photogrammetry method nor- 
mal'y adopts two and more TV or CCD cameras to 
pertorm stereophotography, and then the 3D-coor- 
dinates of the object points are derived by 
image matching But this method has not yet popu- 
larized because of the complexity of the deriva- 
tion by image match and mass amount of data 
to be processed. In practice, we can simplify this 
method according as the requirement for a analy- 
tical task.For example, for simplifiesthe mast 
complex steps of image matching, the relevant 
characteristic points an the body are marked by 
surtable pattern, and illuminated by fiashing 
light sources, whose direction of emission is 
coaxial to TV cameras and the realtime detecting 
and recording this signing points, The trajecto- 
ries of little points describe the movement of 
the body. 
Since seventies , the research of the motion 
analysis system has been very quick developed 
along with advanced of the computer technic. So 
far as based technic method , as stated above , 
they are based on the theory of the stereo-pho- 
togrammetry , which extracted 3D-coordination of 
the feature points from dynamic images of the 
moving body. There are typical systems , example 
SELSPOT system of Swedish (Woltring and Marsolais 
, 1980), VICON syatem of England Okford Company 
(Jarrett et al, 1976), Elite system of Italy 
(Ferrigno and Pedotti, 1986) , and Coda system 
(Mitchelson, 1975) . The new commercial product 
uninterruptelly push out. These systems have the 
high-grade headware, and the function of the 
software has been improvedstep by step. But they 
are expensive , therefore not yet popularized in 
the developing countrys. 
In this paper a motion analysis system which has 
a simpler compose and a completer function than 
abovementioned system will be described. In this 
system a CCD state matrix camera , front which 
attached a double light-paths collecting device, 

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