Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

cen as a starting 
the illumination 
nsity explicitly 
1 the case of er- 
lues and to the 
s of the signals 
f a white signal, 
spectre and the 
be determined. 
lon intensity is 
; procedure, the 
und the optimal 
the illumination 
eference values 
ent illumination 
jne illumination 
réseau illumina- 
s are visible in 
ensor and it is 
tion of the sen- 
mage. The light 
he ellipse to be 
e of the signals 
nated. For this 
background are 
or the measure- 
surement of the 
value is chosen 
ind grey values 
regulated on a 
neasurement of 
lack signal tar- 
t contrast of the 
cur in the retro 
kground. There- 
' to differentiate 
| be used. From 
nade within the 
rosses, one for 
ages, signal tar- 
means that the 
hese signals are 
For this reason, 
always effected 
rpose is to give 
om 0-50 and to 
s, bright interfe- 
ferences are re- 
' image are then 
(n be found and 
, effected for the 
w the threshold 
lues above this 
on the different 
‘negative attributes, the threshold values, for isolating 
the crosses and for isolating the ellipses, are also 
adopted to the brightness conditions in the basic 
image. The grey values of the original signal and the 
background grey values are taken as a reference for 
this reglementation. For the threshold value of the 
réseau crosses, the value of the background is used 
and increased by 2096 of the difference between back- 
ground value and the grey spectre value of the réseau 
crosses. For the ellipses, the brightness value is in- 
creased by 90% of the difference to the background 
and is used as a reference value. The true regulation is 
then effected in small steps as for the adjustment of the 
light intensity of images without réseau preillumina- 
tion. Should the threshold value be lower than the cal- 
culated reference value, the threshold value is incre- 
mented, otherwise decremented. 
A prerequisite for the described adaptation of the 
illumination intensity and the threshold value is the 
even movement of the sensor over the image. It is im- 
possible, to adapt the illumination intensity to the 
illumination differences on the negative when subse- 
quent measurements are effected in totally different 
parts of the negative. A second advantage can be seen 
in the fact that the movements of the sensor are de- 
creased and possible delays before sensor positioning 
can be avoided. This results in the necessity to assure 
the scanner movement to the closest point and a gra- 
dual changement of the brightness. The adaptation of 
illumination intensities and of the threshold values can 
then be effected. This rearrangement of the points 
happens in a step taken before measurement. 
The development of a complex user interface was 
avoided in order to make possible a later introduction 
of specific customer demands. The experienced user is 
able to create his own measurement programs, adapted 
to his own demands. 
For standard applications, on the one hand, given in- 
terpreter files can be used, on the other hand, program 
generators can be applied which are independent from 
the MIROS measurement system. The command 
structure and the interpretation of such an interpreter 
file are similar to the batch programming in a DOS 
shell in order to guarantee an easy approach in the 
possibilities of the interpreter. To give an overview of 
the work of the interpreter, some of the implemented 
commands are described in the following: 
l. Include 
allows to import command sequences to the actual 
program position. With this command, standard 
command sequences can be combined as a macro 
and be included. 
2. Label 
define positions in the measurement program to 
which jumps with the commands "Goto" and "If" 
are possible. 
3. If 
makes possible to effect a conditional jump. The 
functions ’Yes-Pressed’ and 'No-Pressed' have 
been implemented which react to a Yes or No of 
the user. Further functions can be implemented. 
4. System 
executes a DOS command which is given as a pa- 
rameter or starts a DOS shell. This shell can be left 
with the "EXIT" command. 
5. Getpicture 
Starts the image orientation. Image numbers, 
réseau types and as an option also the information 
which side of the negative is on top are required. 
6. Automode 
sets the level of automation. One can chose be- 
tween 'ON', 'OFF' and 'HALF'. With the 'ON' 
parameter a fully automatic measurement is cho- 
sen. With the 'OFF' command a manual measure- 
ment is set. The 'HALF' command activates this 
manual measurement after the automatic measure- 
ment has failed (major signal disturbances). 
7. Meas 
is the command that starts the actual measurement. 
As parameter amongst others, the file from which 
the points to be measured are taken, is disposed. In 
this file start and end lines can be named. 
Measurement of Ellipses 
Circular point signals are fixed as target marks on the 
object. This assures a conform copy in the image. The 
measurement of positions in the negative is thus re- 
stricted to the measurement of ellipses, as circular sig- 
nals are always reflected as ellipses, because of the 
perspective image. As a point coordinate in the image 
the center of this ellipsis is determined. The problem to 
be solved is a interference tolerant identification of the 
margin points of this ellipsis. 
Problems that might occur are the following: 
o Is the approximate value, which is the starting 
point for setting the margin points, within or with- 
out the ellipsis? 
e How can this approximate value be improved with 
a fast and safe algorithm? 
e How distinctive are the margins of the ellipsis, are 
all margins homogeneous, how can the margins be 
recognised by avoiding errors? 
e Are all recognised margin points part of the ellip- 
sis, or do they just represent areas of high grey 
scale differences? 
< Is the recognised object a measurement target, or 
just a disturbance on the negative, in the shape of 

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