Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Weiyang Zhou, Robert Brock, James Thorpe and Paul Hopkins 
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 
Syracuse, NY 13210 
A self-calibrating digital photogrammetric system is employed to determine three dimensions in object space. Digital 
imagery is collected by two Panasonic WV-CD20 CCD cameras at a distance of about 26 inches from the object specimen. 
The image coordinates of control placed in the object space are measured from a monitor. The image coordinates of random 
dots placed on the specimen are determined using a feature-based image matching procedure. A photogrammetric bundle 
adjustment method constrained by weights on appropriate variables provides the solution for all parameters including the 
object coordinates of the random dots on the specimen. Results to date indicate that average standard deviations in inches for 
the random dots are 0.006, 0.006, and 0.027 respectively, for X, Y, and Z. 
KEY WORDS: digital photogrammetry, close-range, self-calibrating, stereo-pair image matching, 3-D reconstruction, 
bundle adjustment. 
In solid mechanics the surface of a specimen will deform 
when force is applied to it. The present analysis of this 
deformation utilizes a linear image strain analysis system, 
LISA, which is able to detect and measure the displacement 
in two orthogonal directions (X and Y) in the plane of the 
surface of the specimen. Usually the measured directions 
are across and along the direction of applied force. 
The purpose of an ongoing project is to develop a 
non-contact digital image acquisition and analysis system 
to quantify the deformation in three dimensions. This paper 
reports on the progress of this project to date. 
The principles of photogrammetry have long been used in 
non-topographical measurement [4] [7]. With the advent 
of digital sensors digital images are being used as 
information sources instead of photos. In comparison with 
traditional hard copy photos digital images have the 
advantage of being highly computer-compatible. With the 
ever-increasing power and availability of computers and 
data sources, and the increasing need for real time 
processing, digital image processing and analysis has 
become an inseparable part of analytical photogrammetry. 
By using digital cameras some of the errors associated with 
the traditional methods can be avoided, such as those 
introduced by the deformation of the film negative during 
the procedure of developing and drying. 
The use of non-metric digital cameras requires that a 
self-calibration procedure be used. Generally CCD 
(charge coupled device) cameras have no fiducial marks 
and the location of the principal point must be calculated. 
The CCD camera may use different lenses for different 
applications and thus require calibration for each use. 
Likewise the principal distance of the CCD camera used for 
close-range work is constantly changing and its 
determination must be made for each image processed. 
Often in the use of self-calibrating bundle adjustments the 
camera station parameters are of no real interest [7]. 
Generally one is concerned with the object point 
coordinates and their error estimates. 
Most photogrammetric techniques are based on the 
geometric relationships between the object's position in the 
object space and its position on the surface of the sensitive 
recording part (i.e., the negative film with the traditional 
camera and the CCD chip with the CCD camera) of the 
sensor. The position of an object point, after projection 
onto the surface of the sensor of the CCD camera, is 
unknown and cannot be measured directly as with the 
traditional negatives. The position of the image in the 
sensor plane must be determined in terms of pixel 
coordinates. The actual space represented by one pixel is 
critical to the success of the data reduction. The actual 
ability to measure coordinates in CCD cameras is often 4 
0.015 mm. whereas this typically is + 0.005 mm. in terms of 
film based cameras. This difference between the camera 
systems in coordinate measurement capability will 
decrease as CCD technology advances. 
3.1 Objective 
The objective of this study is to develop a digital self- 
calibrating analytical photogrammetric procedure to 
determine the three-dimensional spatial coordinates of 
random points on a surface whose image positions are 
automatically determined through image matching 
techniques. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the 
experimental setup. 
32 Hardware 
The layout of the computer image analysis system is as 
shown in Fig. 2. It consists of the components listed below. 
1. The host computer. A SUN SPARC system 330 with 
16Mbyte memory, SunOS 4.1 operating system and a 1/4 in 
tape drive.

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