Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

(mm) j 
0.022 3: 
: Actual accuracy 
0018. dosi cw eso Cause . 
0.014 | Theoretical accuracy 
0.010 | Estimated accuracy 
0.006 1—L—] | | 
8.10.30 Numbé Stations 120 
Figure 5 
Graph of Accuracy vs. # of Stations 
as before and the results reported are the closures of 
triangulation (Table 7) and the estimated and actual 
accuracies (Table 8). Actual accuracies are determined 
from the RMS residuals of a three dimensional coordi- 
nate transformation into the film-based measurements. 
The accuracy results achieved are actually quite good. 
The range of relative precision is from 1:36,000 to 
1:51,000 of the major dimension of the object with these 
Closures for Each of Eight - 8 Station Runs 
Test # s i s : s s Rabo iid 
1 .28 25 27 1/25 
2 22 20 21 1/32 
3 28 23 26 1/26 
4 25 20 23 1/30 
5 27 -19 23 1/30 
6 24 22 23 1/30 
7 23 21 22 1/31 
8 22 21 22 1/31 
Table 7 
Estimated and Actual accuracies for 
Each of Eight - 8 Station Tests 
Estimated Actual 
1 0.025 0.023 
2 0.025 0.033 
3 0.022 0.023 
4 0.021 0.031 
5 0.025 0.023 
6 0.025 0.033 
7 0.022 0.023 
8 0.021 0.031 
Table 8 
8 station versions. However, as seen from the previous 
section there is a considerable advantage to the mea- 
surement of multiple images. This advantage is expected 
to improve significantly when suspected unknown 
systematic errors are traced and properly modeled. 
Specific problems still lie in the stability of the lens for 
the video camera tested (Gustafson. 1991). After isolat- 
ing the lens from the strobe, lens element movement is 
still noticeable. At the time of the submittal , another 
lens had not yet been tested to confirm whether the 
problems were from a single lens or from the lens type 
which may be the source of the systematic errors 
discussed in 3.3. Additionally, many of the results 
suggest that there may be cases wherein models typi- 
cally used to correct for systematic effects in most film 
cameras do not completely model systematic effects in 
the video camera used. As pointed out previously, there 
is also an expectation of improvement using improved 
thresholding techniques. 
The general trend of the results discussed is good. 
Accuracies at the level of use in industrial environment 
have been obtained and confirmed (up to 1 part in 
70,000). There certainly appears to be room to improve 
but with the results obtained to date, studies will con- 
The equipment used in this series of tests was provided by Northrop 
Corporation of Pico Rivera, California. Their continuing support has been 
appreciated, particularly in the search for applications. The authors would 
also like to thank their coworkers at GSI, without whose help the tests 
discussed, and this paper, would not have been possible. 
BROWN, D.C. (1987): “AutoSet, An Automated Monocomparator Opti- 
mized for Industrial Photogrammetry.” Presented Paper, International 
Conference and Workshop on Analytical Instrumentation, Phoenix, Arizona, 
FRASER, C.S. (1992): “A Summary of the Industrial Applications of 
Photogrammetry.” Invited Paper to the First Australian Photogrammetric 
Conference, Sydney, November. 
FRASER, C.S. and D.C. BROWN (1986): “Industrial Photogrammetry: 
New Developments and Recent Applications.” The Photogrammetric Record, 
12(68): 197-217. 
GUSTAFSON, P. C. (1991): “Accuracy/Repeatability Test for a Video 
Photogrammetric Measurement.” Industrial Vision Metrology, SPIE Pro- 
ceedings, Vol. 1526, pp. 36-41. 
TRINDER, J.C. (1989): “Precision of Digital Target Location.” Photogram- 
metric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 883-886. 
(1991): "Calibration Tests of Industrial and Scientific CCD Cameras." 
Presented Paper, Coordinate Measurement Systems Committee Meeting, 
Seattle, Washington, October.

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