Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

In practice, the Non-Contact Measurement System is being applied to this 
problem in a manner which illustrates its versatility. This is detailed by Turner, 
Yule and Zanre in a paper entitled "ROV Vision - A Step Towards Automat- 
ion" and summarised below. 
Using digital camera input, the Non-Contact Measurement System is able to 
capture the "environment" in which the manipulator will be working, and to 
convert this to a graphic form which can be entered into the manipulator 
control system. 
Using video camera input which increases time resolution, the Non-Contact 
Measurement System is able to monitor fixed targets on the subject and so 
compute the movement of the cameras, and hence the ROV, relative to the 
subject. This data can be used to compensate for ROV motion. 
Using video camera input an operator is able to view the movement of the 
manipulator relative to the subject in stereo, and so gain feedback that was not 
possible when using a single camera. 
Using video camera input to a dedicated board within the image processing 
system, the movement of targets on the manipulator relative to targets on the 
subject may be monitored. This allows the relative position of the manipulator 
to the subject to be monitored and fed back to the manipulator control system. 
An operational real time photogrammetry system, the Non-Contact Measure- 
ment System, has been developed which meets the clearly documented re- 
quirements of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry. 
The system has been designed to operate in a hostile environment and to be 
operated by the engineers whowho require the dimensional data. 
The system is being applied to solve both metrology and robotic related 
measurement problems. 
The next challenge is to apply the technology developed in one of the most 
hostile and demanding markets in the world to other markets, to challenge the 
concept that photogrammetry is a technique for photogrammetrists and to 
bring remote non-contact measurement to the masses. 
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Turner, D.J. and Leatherdale, J.D. (1982) Underwater Photogrammetry 
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tional Archive of Photogrammetry, 24 (5): 507- 515. 
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in the North Sea. Photogrammetry Record, 11 (62): 151-167. 
Leyat, J.M. and Mutius, B. (1986) 3D Subsea Metrology Applications 
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J Turner, D J Yule and J Zanre. Real Time Photogrammetry - A 
Technique for Today or Tomorrow? Underwater Technology Volume 
17, number 3 (Autumn 1991). 
J Turner, D J Yule and J Zanre. ROV Vision - A Step Towards 
Automation. Conference Proceedings of Oceanology International 
1992. Brighton, England.

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