Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Real-Time Photogrammetry with Automated Direct 
The system can be used as a pair of CCD cameras 
to do real-time photogrammetric work. In this 
case, both the relative and the absolute 
orientation parameters of the cameras can easily 
be determined directly through the theodolites 
no matter how the scene and the configuration 
are unfavourable. This orientation procedure can 
also be automated. The accuracy of this mode is 
limited by the resolution of the CCD cameras. 
Measuring while Tracking 
The system is capable of measuring the geometric 
status of a dynamic object as it is tracking it 
for kinematic parameters. This function results 
from the combination of motorized theodolites 
and CCD cameras and can scarcely be found in 
other systems. The accuracy of this mode is 
again restricted to the resolution of the CCD 
Another justification for combining theodolites 
with CCD cameras is that much photogrammetric 
practice involves some sort of theodolite 
operation, either in calibration, control 
establishment, or in accuracy tests. Integrating 
theodolites and CCD cameras in a system will 
change the situation that a high accuracy system 
cannot work without an even higher accuracy 
system providing control for it. 
The concept of combining theodolites with CCD 
cameras has, in fact, been mentioned before 
(West-Ebbinghaus, 1988). The fundamental 
principle of such systems is no more than some 
variation of the existing  photogrammetric 
theory. More important, however, is the effort 
we need to bring this innovative idea into 
instrumentational research in one form or 
The current investigation covered in this paper 
is about the fundamental problems of such 
systems -- calibration and orientation. 
System calibration includes the determination of 
the camera interior parameters and the geometric 
relationship between the camera and the 
theodolite. The latter is stated by three 
positional parameters and three rotational 
parameters with respect to the telescope 
coordinate system. These six parameters can be 
determined together with the camera interior 
parameters by using the camera-on-theodolite 
calibration method where only two targets have 
to be used (Huang & Harley, 1989,1990). The 
camera-on-theodolite method relies on the 
rotation of the telescope and multi-exposure to 
form an array of target images on the CCD camera 
from only one or two physical targets. The 
corresponding 3-D coordinates of those target 
images with respect to the 
telescope coordinate system can be determined 
from the theodolite readings and the target to 
theodolite distances so as to allow the solution 
of space resection for the camera parameters and 
the camera to telescope parameters. This process 
can be fully automated if auto-theodolites such 
as the Wild TM 3000 are available. 
System calibration should also include the 
determination and check of the axial correctness 
of the theodolite; many theodolites we use today 
are good enough to save this step and if not the 
established methods in surveying can be used to 
solve it. 
System orientation involves the determination of 
the relative geometric relationship between the 
two theodolites. It is apparent that once the 
system calibration as well as the theodolite 
orientation have been completed, the orientation 
of the cameras at any theodolite readings can be 
derived straightaway. There are a number of 
methods for theodolite relative orientation: 
five-point method for non-levelled theodolites; 
three-point method for levelled theodolites; 
reciprocal pointing plus one point for non- 
levelled theodolites; 
reciprocal levelled 
pointing only for 
horizontal reciprocal pointing plus one point 
for levelled theodolites; 
theodolite orientation via the attached CCD 
The principles of those methods can easily be 
understood by photogrammetrists and surveyors. 
The detailed mathematical description of some of 
them can be found in Kyle's thesis (Kyle,1988) 
The theodolite orientation process can be fully 
automated if auto theodolites such as the Kern 
E2-SE or Wild TM3000 are used. For scaling a 
known distance is required in using the methods 
The absolute orientation which relates the 
system to any specified real-world reference 
system can be realized much more easily and 
flexibly with the help of the theodolites which 
is itself part of the system. 
The targets which have been used in experiments 
are black discs laser-printed on white paper. 
The diameters are about seven pixels on images, 
while larger targets are used for calibration. 
A local thresholding method is applied to detect 
target images, which is similar to the one used 
by Zhou (1990). The method of least squares 
parabolic edge interpolation followed by 
elliptic fitting is used to locate target 
centres on images to subpixel accuracy (Huang & 
Harley, 1990). The correspondence of conjugate 
target images is achieved by comparing the 
closenesses of image points to epipolar lines 
from left to right and from right to left. 
Experiments have been carried out to investigate 
the accuracy of theodolite scanning 
photogrammetry and the effectiveness of the 
calibration and orientation methods used. For 
this purpose, a three dimensional target array 
of dimensions of 2.3*1.7*0.9 m was coordinated 
with the Kern E2-ECDS system to an accuracy of 
0.01 mm. These coordinates were regarded as true 
values in accuracy assessment. The accuracy of 
the photogrammetrically determined coordinates 
was then assessed by the RMS of the residuals 
resulting from the coordinate transformation 
from the determined coordinates to the true 
coordinates with scale factor as unknown. 
Two theodolite stations were set up at a stand- 
off distance of about 3 metres with base line of 
2.2 metres. A Philips frame transfer CCD camera 
of a 4.5*6 mm sensor chip was used together with 
a PCVISION Plus image grabber to capture digital 
images of 480*512*8 bits. The focal length of 

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