Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Dr. Anthony G. Wiley, Major, U.S. Army 
U.S. Army Space Programs Office 
Commission V 
Dr. Kam W. Wong, Professor of Civil Engineering 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
Commission V 
Zoom lenses are used extensively in computer vision 
to overcome the limited resolution provided by the 
small focal planes of solid-state cameras. 
Laboratory studies of zoom lenses, with a focal 
range of 12.5-75 mm, showed that geometric 
distortions could amount to several tens of pixels 
across the focal plane, and that there were 
significant changes in the distortion patterns at 
the different focal settings. Changes in the 
position of the principal point amounting to as much 
as 90 pixels were measured. Fortunately, these 
changes were found to be highly systematic over the 
entire range of zoom, and were highly repeatable and 
stable over time. A mathematical model was 
developed to model the geometric distortions at a 
fixed focal setting with an RMS error better than + 
0.1 pixel. A method was devised to model the 
changes in the interior geometry of zoom lenses, 
with the resulting residual distortions amounting to 
less than + 0.4 pixel (RMS). Laboratory results 
demonstrated that  three-dimensional positioning 
using properly calibrated zoom lenses could improve 
the accuracy as much as 200$. 
KEY WORDS: Zoom lenses, geometric calibration, 
computer vision, metrology. 
Zoom lenses have not played any significant role in 
photogrammetric applications. It has been common 
knowledge that major changes in both the interior 
geometry and distortion characteristics occur with 
changes in the focal length setting. Fryer (1986) 
found that changes in radial distortions of zoom 
lenses is negligible only for focal settings greater 
than 50 mm. However, limiting the use of zoom 
lenses to focal lengths greater than 50° mm 
effectively nullify much of the advantage of the 
zooming capability. In one attempt to use zoom 
lenses in photogrammetric operations, Schwartz 
(1989) reported on a vision system that provided 
real-time calibration of the zoom lens whenever the 
focal length was changed, through the use of a 
super-imposed reseau grid. Extensive literature 
search did not find any further quantitative data on 
the changing distortion characteristics of zoom 
lenses, nor any report on the use of zoom lenses for 
accurate photogrammetric measurements. 
On the other hand, zoom lenses are being used 
extensively in machine and robot vision because of 
the limited resolution capability of video cameras. 
Typically, the video cameras used in vision 
application have a focal plane measuring only about 
9 mm x 7 mm, resulting in a very small imaging area 
as compared to conventional film cameras. Zoom 
lenses are needed to provide the capability to 
change the focal setting on computer command so that 
large areal coverage can be obtained at short focal 
settings while close-up views are achieved at long 
focal settings. 
If geometric fidelity can be maintained on the focal 
plane for the entire range of zoom, longer focal 
settings will also result in higher measurement 
accuracy in the three-dimensional object space. 
This paper reports on the results of a study that 
was aimed at developing methodologies to calibrate, 
model, and correct for geometric distortions in zoom 
lenses for applications in computer vision 
metrology. The goal was to evaluate the geometric 
stability of zoom lenses, and to develop calibration 
techniques so that increase in 3-D positioning 
accuracy can be achieved at longer focal settings. 
Experimental tests were conducted in the Vision 
Research Laboratory of the U.S. Army Advanced 
Construction Technology Research Laboratory at the 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. An 
International Robomation/Intelligence (IRI) DX/VR 
vision system was used for image capture (Wong et 
al, 1999). 
Available for use in this study were two General 
TCZ-200 interline-transfer charge-coupled device 
(CCD) cameras, and two Pulnix TM80 frame-transfer 
CCD cameras. All four cameras had a focal plane of 
approximately 8.8 mm x 6.6 mm, which corresponds to 
an aspect ratio of 4:3 for standard RS170 video 
signal. The focal plane of the General cameras 
consisted of 510 horizontal by 490 vertical pixels. 
Each pixel has an exterior dimension of 0.017 mm(H) 
x 0.013 mm (V), with only about 30$ of the surface 
area being light sensitive. The focal plane of the 
Pulnix TM80 cameras consisted of 800(H) x 490(V) 
pixels, with nearly the entire surface area of each 
pixel being light sensitive. The effective 
resolution of the General cameras was 370(H) x 
350(V) TV lines, whereas that of the Pulnix cameras 
was 525(H) x 350(V) TV lines. Two Fujinon 12.5-75 
mm, F1.2 and two Computar 12.5-75 mm, F1.8 zoom 
lenses were made available for this study. Each 
digital image from the vision system consisted of 
512x512 pixels, with the grey level of each pixel 
represented by an integer number between 0 and 255 
resulting in 256 grey levels. 
All program development and data processing were 
performed on two monochrome DN4000 and one color 
DN3000 Apollo workstations, which were part of an 
Apollo network that consisted of over 75 terminals. 
The high-speed, multi-window, multi-tasking 
capability of the workstations provided an efficient 
platform to handle the heavy computation load. 
Image files were transferred between the IRI DX/VR 
vision system and the Apollo workstations by means 
of 5.25-inch floppy disks. 
A three-dimensional control field, see Figure 1, was 
established for zoom lens calibration. It consisted 
of 54 round, black targets on white background. 
There were ten targets of 38.1-mm diameter, eight 
targets of 76.2-mm diameter, and 36 targets of 
101.6-mm diameter. Each target was identified 
through the use of a six-digit binary bar code 
located beneath the target. A short bar represented 
Figure 1. Three-dimensional control field 

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