Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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internal precision at the expense of causing a deterioration in 
object point accuracy due to over-parameterisation was clearly 
Donnelly (1988) examined film unflatness in 35 mm cameras, 
the Canon AE-1 Program camera in particular. He found the 
film to bulge away from the image plane by approximately 
0.6 mm in the centre and assume a shape which was 
reasonably constant frame to frame throughout the length of the 
For most 35 mm cameras, the film transport mechanism is 
similar and uses a system of guide and support rails to constrain 
the film longitudinally. There are no specific lateral constraints 
at either end of the frame, although one end is held by the slot in 
the film cassette and the other by the wind-on transport 
Donnelly removed the camera back and took comparative 
photographs on glass plates of a computer drafted grid of 
19 vertical and 13 horizontal lines. Comparisons were made 
between the positions of the grid intersections on the film with 
those on the glass plates. The vectors of difference in position 
were approximately radial from the principal point and up to 
60 um at the edges. In other words, the extent of the film 
which was exposed was approximately 100 pm longer, and 
70 um wider, than the area of the image format. 
A further study by Fryer, Kniest and Donnelly (1990) explored 
the hypothesis “are the radial effects of film unflatness absorbed 
by the parameters for radial distortion?”. The plumb-line 
method was used to extract radial distortion profiles from both 
the glass plates and the unflattened film frames. Up tor = 18 
mm, the difference between the profiles did not exceed 1.5 um, 
well within the error budget, and to the initial surprise of the 
researchers. (Atr = 18 mm, ôr was —183 um). 
Two reasons have been proposed for the closeness of the radial 
distortion profiles. Firstly, the radial distortion formula, 
equation (3), is quite insensitive to small changes in radial 
distance. Even towards the edge of the format area, dr was 
only changing by 1.5 um for every 50 [um of radial distance r. 
Secondly, in the setting up phase, or the interior orientation, the 
edges of the frame were used as pseudo fiducial marks and an 
affine transformation performed. Since the vectors showing the 
difference in position between the unflattened film and glass 
plates were basically radial, the affine transformation removed 
the majority of the effect as it would apply in the determination 
of radial lens distortion. Quite clearly, the hypothesis was 
refuted and the effects of film unflatness and the parameters of 
radial lens distortion must be viewed as independent in terms of 
camera calibration parameters. 
4.2 Film Unflatness and AP's 
The model for AP's in equation (7) and (8) have been used by 
Fraser (1982) and also this author to attempt to improve the 
internal precision of a self-calibrating bundle adjustment and 
also the accuracy of object point co-ordinates. Fraser found 
that the coefficients b, and b» in equation (8) were the most 
significant in improving the reliability of the adjustment and the 
object co—-ordinates. These AP's are linear terms in x and y 
which refer to non-orthogonality and affinity. He found that 
the other AP's were either not statistically significant (that is, 
did not effectively remove any systematic error signal) or did 
reduce overall accuracy. Fraser's model was only minimally 
provided with control points, a situation which is common in 
many non-metric close-range situations. 
In addition to the AP terms used by Fraser, this author has 
found the term a, in equation (7) to be most useful in a variety 
of adjustments. This is a second order term, hyperbolic in 
nature, and it is not difficult to visualise. its relevance to 
unflattened film. 
4.3 Attempts at Film Flattening 
A wide variety of attempts to flatten film in close-range cameras 
have been made over the last decade. These have ranged from 
the professional and demonstrably very successful vacuum 
systems in Geodetic Services Inc’s CRC-1 camera (Brown, 
1984) to commercially available backs for 35 mm to 70 mm 
cameras such as the Pentax 645 or the Contax RTS III (Fryer, 
Kniest and Donnelly, 1992) to experimental vacuum systems 
such as that described by Donnelly (1988). The alternative to 
vacuum back systems is the addition of a reseau grid, with or 
without a pressure plate. One difficulty with reseau systems is 
the focussing problem caused by the addition of the glass pane 
between the lens and the image plane. A thin reseau pane is 
essential, but its location adjacent to the focal plane camera 
shutter system can pose engineering problems. 
The commercial pricing of film flattening devices for small 
format cameras probably reflects the low level of acceptance and 
use of these devices by the “amateur” photogrammetric 
community. The cost of vacuum backs, or reseau plates, seems 
exorbitant to this author, often more than doubling the price of 
the original camera and lens combination. Surely this is a 
reflection of the numbers of units sold on a worldwide basis, 
each unit representing an almost individual order. 
There can be no doubting the improvement in overall accuracy 
provided by a film flattening device. The references noted 
earlier in this section show improvements two—fold or better, 
with the ultra-specific flat vacuum back of the CRC-1 camera 
coupled with automatic image co-ordinate measurements 
achieving accuracies up to one part in a million (Fraser, 1992). 
Vacuum back system have demonstrated a capability to produce 
more accurate results than reseau systems. Apart from the 
difficulties which were noted earlier, another difficulty which 
has been observed with reseau systems includes lack of contact 
between the film and the glass plate, probably caused by 
trapped air. This is identifiable in gross cases since not all 
reseau crosses will appear sharp (Chandler, Cooper and 
Robson, 1989). Another problem can arise in the case of 
backing paper with 120 roll film when air becomes trapped 
between the paper and film. Lack of flatness of both the reseau 
plate and the pressure plate has also been identified as a source 
of error, along with a lack of parallelism between those 
There is some evidence that film unflatness can cause "larger 
than expected" errors in object point co-ordinates in 
configurations with weak geometry, especially in 
stereophotogrammetric situations (Robson, 1992). In other 
situations, often where the majority of control and object points 
lie near the centre of the frame, the effect of out-of-plane 
deformation is not large. Attempts to model the shape of the 
deformed film surface, and correct all observed image co— 
ordinates accordingly, have not yet proved to be successful. 
In close-range photogrammetric situations, the distinction 
between focal length and principal distance becomes an 
important consideration. The convention is that principal 
distance is the perpendicular distance from the perspective 
centre of the lens system to the image plane. Focal length is that 
value of the principal distance which corresponds with infinity 
focus. The constant c is used in the earlier equations to describe 
the principal distance at any setting. 
The principal distance may be evaluated in a number of ways, 
with an accuracy of 10 um to 20 um being attainable without 
too much difficulty. A very simple method is to photograph 
two points spaced equi-distant either side of the camera's axis 
and distant from camera at the required focus setting. Two 
targets on a straight fence when the whole set-up is on level 
ground are ideal. The targets and the fiducial centre must lie on 
a straight line if no corrections for camera axis tilt is to be

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