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generalization. Suppose we have the function model of pa-
rameter estimation as the following:
Anxt Xıx1 = E(L)nxa (1)
where L is the observations, E(L) is the expectation of L,
X is the unknown parameters, n should be greater than t,
A is the coefficients matrix and has full rank, and
n Ty Qu 412 cC Qu
2 T2 az 22 az
pe Xe AS
In Zt Qni Qn2 ‘** Ant
In the equation (1) A and L are already known, but X and
E(L) are unknown.
The differences between observations L and expectations
E(L) are called true errors €, the negative € is called cor-
rections V:
e = L — E(L), V2-e (3)
From the equation (1) we can have
V=AX-1 (4)
Suppose the observations L have a normal distribution, the
variance of L is X, the correspondent weight is P. Then the
probability density function of L is
fh, ll, 10) =
arts — 512 — (DEL — ES)
yp (6)
where c is called unit weight variance.
The least square method estimates the unknown parameters
X under the conditions:
VT PV — minimum (7)
The estimates of X then are
X 2 (ATPA) ! ATPL (8)
The estimates of o and the variance of X are
os 5 —1 (9)
Xxx 2o?(ATPA)'! (10)
The estimates X are the best linear unbiased estimates and
the Xxx is minimal if the observations have a normal dis-
2.2 Hypothesis Test
By means of hypothesis test we can determine if there are
any model errors in the function model (1). Suppose the
primary hypothesis is
Ho: E(L/Ho) - AX (11)
the alternative hypothesis is
Ho E(LJH,) S AX HS (12)
In the equation (11) and (12) A4; and H4 are the known
coefficients matrixes, X;x; are the unknown parameters,
Sıpx1 are the unknown model error parammeters, Lnx1 are
the observations, and
L ^» N(E(L),X) (13)
We can rewrite the equation (12) as
L+V=AX+ HS withweigh Pzeo!E!..(14)
Suppose n > t + k, and [A H] has full rank, then we can
obtain the estimates S from the equation (14) with the least
square method[4]:
S = P;lHT PQvv PL (15)
Quy £73 = AAT PAYA” (16)
Pss = HT PQyy PH (17)
If o? is known, then the following statistic variable T; has
the uncentralized
x?-distribution with k degrees of freedom and uncentralized
parameter 6:
T, = —(L7BL) ~ x2 (k,8%) (18)
B = PQvv PHP; HT PQvvP (19)
6? = —(ST PssS) (20)
If the unit weight variance c is unknown, we can use the
following statistic variable T»:
If the primary hypothesis is right, the uncentralized param-
eter § is zero, so we can use the statistic variable Tj or T2
under a certain risk level a to determine if there are any
model errors.
F(k,n —t— k, 6°) (21)
3.1 Image Error Analysis
An digital image R is usually described by a two dimen-
tional array G. Each element g(i,j) of the array G repre-
sents the grayvalue of the image at the position —line and
j—column. An image pixel can be therefore defined by its
position and its grayvalue:
The grayvalue g(i, j) is composed of two parts, namely the
true grayvalue ÿ(i, j) and the true error e(i, j), which both
are unknown:
The error e(i, j) of the pixel p(i, j) is caused by the instru-
ment and the enviroments of the image acquisition. There
are a variety of influence aspects to the error e(i,j), eg.
if a CCD camera is used to acquire a digital image, then
the error sources can be among others the lens distortion,