Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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Picture 9: Verification results of arcs varying in size ( 85 
to 30 pixel with 360 degree )and angle (22,5, 45, ... 315 
Further 2D primitives within the DXF-Format may be 
projected to one of the presented types. Composed 
structures like squares, rectangle, etc. may be defined 
for verification purposes. Complex structures are 
verified by a sequence of primitive verifications (picture 
The application of the described proving operations is 
not limited to two dimensional objects. Once the 3D 
model primitives have been projected to the image 
frame using a more powerful transformation they may 
be verified in the same manner. Some important CAD- 
models like Boundary Representations (BReps) are 
based on the primitives we are using here and we hope 
to verify these pretentious models after some further 
| verify line | | verify circle | | verify arc | | verify ... | 
Picture 10: Hierarchy of the discussed verification 
The proving operations described above consist of a 
® type and parameter specific pixel segmentation 
* type specific approximation 
* similarity function 
The combination of these tasks which are usually 
spread about different levels like segmentation, feature 
extraction and classification within a single operation is 
the foundation of the obtained modularity. 
Picture 11: Intensity and direction image of a tin product and those elements, verified by the described algorithms. 
The discussed proving operations offer the capabilities 
to decide wether there is a special image portion. 
Because of the modular concept in using primitives, 
these special portions cover single primitives, 
substructures as well as complex structures, including 
such useful basic forms like squares, rectangles and 
others. If there is a manageable set of hypothesis this 
approach prevents a costly bottom up check with 
unknown borders, types, orientation and location. 
Within an interactive image analysis system such 
verification routines may become a powerful tool for 
recognition and conversion tasks. But even when there 
is no user to secure the number of hypothesis usually 
there is enough a priori knowledge useful for 
limitations. Therefore we are engaged in developing a 
control structure suitable in the depicted context. 
The application of the described proving operations is 
not limited to two dimensional objects. Once the 3D- 
model primitives have been projected to the image 
frame using a more powerful transformation they may 
be verified in the same manner. Some important CAD- 
models like Boundary Representations (BReps) are 
based on the primitives we are using here and we hope 
to verify these pretentious models after some further 
We have discussed algorithms for the verification of 
graphical primitives. The operations are organized to 
work in a strong model driven interpretation process. 
The gradient direction image we are working at is much 
closer to the geometric CAD-models than a captured 
greyscale image and is close enough to the captured 
data to prevent the influence of numerous thresholds. 
The described operations work on 2D primitives in 2D 
images, nevertheless they may be used in 3D context 
after a suitable projection. 

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