3.1.2 Stability of the closed form solution
Stability means that small changes in the data produce
small changes in the results. In case the geometric situation
is not stable, singularities in the analytical formulas and
unreliable results may occur.
The input to the closed form solution described above
consists of 4 randomly chosen image points. In order to
avoid those combinations of image points, which lead to an
ill-conditioned geometry, a measure for the stability of the
solution is developped.
Weak points with respect to the numerical sensitivity are
the three cross products used to compute the line direction
vector B. A cross product is computed in a stable way if
the angle between the two input vectors is close to 90°. In
case the angle comes close to 0°, the result is a random
outcome according to the noise in the input vector
components. Image points very close to each other as well
as line/camera formations with similar projection planes
should be avoided.
The stability of a cross product axb is measured by the
sinus of the angle © between two vectors a and b:
> ax]
"eT alibi d
Random points for which the value of sin « doesn't exceed
an upper bound are considered to have a good geometry.
The thresholds can be derived from error propagation of the
interior camera geometry and the noise level.
In this study the thresholds were found by experiments. The
value 0.05 for the cross products of the image rays and 0.2
for the cross product of the normal vectors were sufficient
to avoid bad cases. Because of the nearly symmetric
geometry in the experiments the impact of the stability of
N,xN, is very strong and so the threshold very low.
3.2 Application of the RANSAC method
The straight line model, described by (1-4), allows the
calculation of the RANSAC algorithm parameters based on
the individual geometry of that line representation.
3.2.1 Thresholds for outlier detection and model
An important item in the RANSAC procedure is the
decision in algorithm step 2) if an observation fits or not
into the model of a certain random subset. The decision is
drawn with the help of a threshold for the residuals.
As residual the coplanarity value f is taken. It can be seen
as ’pseudo residual’ - compared to the residuals v of the
original observations. It is computed by the scalar triple
product, where the observation data is the original one and
the line center and line direction come from the random
model. The coplanarity value f, expressing the volume of
the error tetrahedon, grows strongest along the normal of
the projection plane.
The coplanarity values are scaled by their pseudo weights
Q, ; to make them comparable to each other. The pseudo
residual d; for one point is
4-5/9 (3-7)
A point is called outlier when its pseudo residual d, is
larger than a threshold t = 3 * noiselevel. The noiselevel is
the expected noise of the image observations. Thus the
comparison is done in image space. For the further
processing the observation weights are set to O in order to
mark an outlier and to 1 for an accepted point. The number
of accepted points for one random subset is counted.
The threshold for the model acceptance in algorithm step 4)
has to decide which one of the models fits the data best.
The primary best fit criterion is the number of inliers, the
secondary is the a posteriori reference variance.
à -IWÍ (3-8)
Of course the search for the best model is limited to those
models provided by the used random subsets. The chances
for better results grow with the number of subsets.
3.3 RANSAC in the presence of noise
What happens to the RANSAC solution, when the data is
as well noisy as contaminated with outliers? - Up to now
the RANSAC distinguishes between good and bad
observations. The procedure is designed to find a subset
containing only good points, even if the noise in these good
points might be so heavy that the solution becomes wrong.
One method against that is to get rid of those random
points which are very close to each other and easily
produce an incorrect solution.
But even points at different ends of a line segment may in
some case produce a solution deviating from the correct
line more than 3*noiselevel for the most image points. The
consequence is the detection of more outliers than really
exist and the rejection of the model.
correct line
Fig. 4: RANSAC-solution for a line, based on a random
subset with noisy observations
The basic idea to cope with the noise in the observations of
the random subset is to use a least squares adjustment, after
an initial solution is found by the closed form solution.
Because the observation weights are set to 1 and 0, only
the reduced set of inlying points is used for the adjustment.
The normal distributed noise in the points will affect the
least squares solution come closer to the correct line than
the RANSAC solution and find more inlying points. After
some iterations this process is able to find the best possible
solution of a certain subset. The iterations are stopped when
no more inliers are found. If the same data is used, all
random subsets will end up in exactly - with respect to the
computing precision - the same least squares solution.