Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

1S a 
] in 
; in 
| in 
1 an 
epipolar line 
template patch_1 patch_2 
‚./images/tmpl ./images/s1_022 
patch_3 patch_4 
../images/s1_202 ./images/s1. 247 
final position 
initial position 
Figure 4 Visualisation of the edge matching procedure using four images 
the patch in the images. In the bottom row are the template 
and the geometrically and radiometrically transformed 
The matching algorithm is only usable for fine 
measurement, because the LSM requires good 
approximate values for the iteration process of the least 
squares adjustment. The initial values consist of image 
coordinate pairs of corresponding image points in all 
images. The initial values must be delivered, e.g. by an 
operator or automatically from a given CAD model. 
Currently only the manual mode is implemented. The 
images are displayed and the approximate image 
coordinates of a corresponding point are measured with 
the cursor. For measuring of more edge points the edge 
tracking is used. The average pull-in range is half a patch 
In a possible automatic mode the initial edge points in 
image space can be computed by resections of the model 
edge point using the known camera orientation. In order to 
exclude those images in which the edge points are 
invisible a hidden-surface algorithm must be applicd. 
The primary aim of this test was to verify the accuracy of 
the edge matching algorithm. For this it must be well 
understood that the accuracy of edge matching depends - 
among other parameters (orientation, etc.) - on the 
definition of the edge in object space, the contrast of the 
edge and the edge strength in image space and the 
amount of noise in the image data. Therefore it is of 
utmost importance to have an almost ideal object edge for 
accuracy testing available and to control illumination and 
imaging in an optimum way. 
The test object is a short knife edge (125 mm) with an 
exactly polished edge for controlling the planarity of 
surfaces. The technical specification for the planarity 
tolerance of the edges is 2.5 jum (probability P=95%), 
defined by DIN 874 (German Industrial Standard). All 
points determined in object space should thus lie on a 
straight line defined by the knife edge. 
4.1 Set-up 
To test of the algorithm a single camera/multiple frames 
set-up was used (sce Figure 5). A CCD camera was 
mounted on a optical bench construction and pointed 
towards the object. The object was supported by a rotating 
table, and fixed in a 3-D calibration field which was used 
to determine the camera orientation. By rotating the table 
an arbitrary number of CCD frames could be produced. 
The calibration field consists of a black coloured plate (56 
cm x 56 cm) and towers (10 and 30 cm height) with retro- 
reflective targets. The targets are illuminated with a 
specially designed fibre-optic lighting system around the 
camera lens. The images are taken with a SONY XC77- 
CE CCD camera with a Schneider XENOPLAN 1:1.7/17 
lens and a Datacube MAX-SCAN framegrabber. The 
framegrabber is controlled by a Sun-3E workstation. 
From there the data is transferred via Ethernet to a 
network of Sun workstations for further processing. 
The framegrabber uses the composite video signal for 
digitisation. The effective image size is 592 (H) x 574 (V) 
pixels with a pixel spacing of 13.5 um (H) and 11.0 um 
(V). At each camera position 4 images are acquired and 
their average is used for further processing. 
For the test 12 images are acquired: 8 images with a 45*- 
interval table rotation and 4 images with a 90° rotation of 
the camera about its axis (K rotation). Figure 6 shows one 
of the images used for orientation and edge matching. The 
hcight-base-ratio is h/b = 8.81 and the average image scale 
is 1:44, i.c. 10 um in object space correspond to 0.23 jum 
in image space or 0.017 pixcl with 13.5 um pixel spacing. 

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