Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Figure 10. Boundary representation of the test model. 
free form object were also determined by image matching. 
This geometric information was used as input to a B-rep based 
geometric modeler. Figure 10 illustrates the resulted B-rep of 
the test model by the geometric modeler. 
Digital photogrammetry can be applied to acquire 3D 
geometric data for the generation of object representations in 
CAD/CAM. The method which uses both area and edge based 
image matching for reconstruction of digital surface models is 
very efficient, especially for objects with surface 
discontinuities. The interface between digital image matching 
and CAD/CAM systems makes it possible to transform the 
acquired digital surface model directly into 3D object 
representations. The presented method may be applied in the 
fields of design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering, 
automobile industry, robot technology and others. 
Further efforts should be made in automatic recognition of 
Primitives of B-rep and CSG representations from digital 
images. Conversion from octree representation to other object 
representations is also an interesting topic. 
The research work was in part done when the author was with 
the Department of Photogrammetry and Cartography, and the 
Institute for Machine tools and Manufacturing Technology of 
the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. 
The author would like to thank Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Albertz for his 
encouragement. The Volkswagen Foundation, ZTZ of the 
Technical University of Berlin and the Pacific International 
Center for High Technology Research are acknowledged for 
supporting a part of the research work. 
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