Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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Technical data Rolleiflex 6008 metric 
Type Single lens rollfilm camera system with 
electronic micro computer control, multi mode 
exposure control, multi function TTL 
meetering, motorised film transport and action 
Picture size 6x6 cm (2.25 x 2,25 in.) 
Shutter Electronically controlled leaf shutter, 1/500, or 
1/800 to 30 sec. and B with direct drive 
control by two linear motors built into each 
Lens mount Rollei bayonet fitting with 10-pole terminal 
strip to transmit iris shutter drive pulses. 
Réseau number of crosses in x: 23 
number of crosses in y: 31 
mesh width in x: 2.375 mm 
mesh width in y: 1.750 mm 
Réseau preillumination with flash and reflector. 
Lenses 40 mm Zeiss Distagon PQ f/4 HFT metric 
(angle of view: diagonal 88, horiz. 69 deg.). 
50 mm Zeiss Distagon PQ f/4 HFT metric 
(angle of view: diagonal 75, horizontal 57 
80 mm Zeiss Planar PQ f/2 HFT metric 
(angle of view: diagonal 52, horizontal 38 
Weight body with 80 mm lens 2060 g, preillumination 
and flash unit app. 2000 g, external accu for 
flash unit app. 500 g. 
Fig. 3: Technical data 
A comparison with the results of the Rollei Large 
Format Camera LFC shows the following differences 
in the object points: 
(mean values) 
dX 20.19 mm 
dY =0.24 mm 
dZ =0.27 mm 
Object size : approx. 6 x 6 x 2 meters. 
Comparison to other measurement methods 
Further comparison with other measurment methods 
are shown in /1992 Riechmann/. 
Dold J., Riechmann W. - Industriephotogrammetrie 
hóchster Genauigkeit, ein neues Mefsystem und 
dessen Anwendung in der Luft und 
Raumfahrtindustrie, Zeitschrift für Photogrammetrie 
und Fernerkundung 6/1991. 
Heister H., Peipe J. - Zur Interaktion geodätischer und 
photogrammetrischer Meftechnik bei der Erfassung 
industrieller Objekte. Allgemeine ^ Vermessungs- 
Nachrichten, Heft 1, 97. Jahrgang, 1990 
Knobloch M., Rosenthal T., MIROS- a new software 
for RS1 digital monocomparator, ISPRS Congress 
1992 Washington. 
Luhmann T., Wester-Ebbinghaus W., Digital Image 
Processing by Means of Réseau-Scanning, Allgemeine 
Vermessungsnachrichten 3/1988 
Peipe J., Suilmann G., Wester-Ebbinghaus W., 
Development of a 4" x 5" réseau camera for high 
precision industrial photogrammetry, ISPRS Congress 
1992 Washington 
Riechmann W., The Accuracy of the Réseau Scanning 
Camera (RSC) in Comparison with Theodolite- and 
Photogrammetric Systems, ISPRS Congress 1992 
Wester-Ebbinghaus W., High Precision Industrial 
Photogrammetry, Photogrammetric Record, 10/1990 

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