Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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Where Xs, Ys, Zs, f, Xo, Zo, the internal and the 
external orientation elements; kl, k2, the coeffi- 
cients of radial distortion; ds, df, the 
parameters of the offine deformation error; X,Y,Z, 
the known coordinates of control points; x,y, the 
image coordinates; 31,bi,ci(iz1,2,3), the 
direction  cosine; r, the radial radius of 
The indoor control field in which the survey 
accuracy of control points reaches up O.1mm, in 
the Photogrammetric Department of Wuhan 
Technical University of Surveying and Mapping is 
used to photograph and the program of space 
resection of a single photograph for camera 
calibration to resolve. The image coordinates are 
measured on Stecometer and twenty or more marked 
points on each photograph. the calibration results 
are listed in table 2. 
The distortion correction (dr=kle.r2+k2-.r4) of 
different radial radius (r) for three photographic 
distances (D) are presented in table 3. 
Table 3 Distortion of 19/1318 after refit 
r(mm) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 
D (m) 
8.0 00 00 00 300 -01.-01. O0 03 211 
4.0 00 -01—-04 ——-09 16 -25 -35 -41 43 
2.5 00 -01 -06 -11 -21 -32 -43 -53 -55 
It is shown from table 3 that (1) The closer the 
photographic distance, the bigger the distortion 
effect; (2) The biggest distortion effect is 
0.01mm when the photographic distance is about 8m, 
and now, the pair of picture photographed is yet 
tolerated to operate in analogue mapper. But the 
distortion effect must be corrected when 
processing the picture photographed in distance 
less than about 6m. 
4.1 Architectural photogrammetry 
A lot of ancient architectures in China, such as 
the temple, the tower and the courtyard and 
others, are suited to photography by 19/1318. Many 
ancient architectures and historical relics in 
Summer Palace of Beijing have been taken. It is 
found in photography that the middle-sized objects 
(dimensions 1-10m), like the individual memorial 
gatsway, and the decorated archway in architec- 
tures and the copper lion, the stone horse and the 
earthen figurines in the sculptures and so on, are 
especially fitted to photography by refitted 
A typical example, the copper lion at door of 
Summer Palace, is taken by 19/1318 applying the 
washer no. A. The photographic distance is Six 
meters and the mean photographic scale 1:35. One 
of photographs of copper lion is shown in Fig. 2 
and its elevation map- 
ped on stereometrograph 
G in Fig. 3. The eleva- 
tion has been checked 
in field and accepted 
up to standard. 
It is of pratical 
significance to point 
out that if the object 
as if cylinder is 
photographed by UMK 
10/1318 imported expen- 
sively and the same 
image scale is 
wanted, the photogra- 
phic distance shoud be 
reduced by hal£. | 
However, the dead area A B 
is led to rise 
because of the shorter Fig.4 The closer the 
photographic distance phtographic distance, 
(refer to Fig.4). the bigger the dead area 
Fig.3 Elevation of the copper lion 
mapped on the Steresmetrograph G 
4.2 Industrial Photogrammetry 
The application of refitted phototheodolite 
19/1318 which is provided with the medium focal 
length, to the industrial photogrammetry has the 
great potentiality, too. Using it, the determina- 
tion of the design location of engineering model 
and the test of the hydranlic model etc. are 
worked. These photographic distance are very 
short, about 3-5m. 
Table 2 Calibrated results of phototheodolite 19/1318 after refit 
Mean photo. Calibrated internal element Coefficients of lens distor. 
dis. D(m) f (mm) Xo (mm) Zo (mm) K1 K2 
.0 198.69 0.127 -0.062 -2.492*1077 4.970-10^" 
0 203.30 -0.021 0.211 -1.624-10-7 1.269-10-!! 
5 209.65 0.147 -0.049 -2.054-10-7 1.602.101 

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