Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Benning, W., Effkemann, Ch., 1992. Zur digitalen Nah- 
bereichsphotogrammetrie - das Programmsystem 
PHIDIAS: BDVI-Forum 18(1): 282-293. 
Ecker, R., Jansa, J., 1989. Digital terrain models and 
digital image processing. In: Schilcher, M., Fritsch, D., 
(Editors), 1989: Geoinformationssysteme. Wichmann, 
Karlsruhe, pp. 343-350. 
Ecker, R., 1991. Rastergraphische Visualisierungen 
mittels digitaler Geländemodelle. Geowissenschaftliche 
Mitteilungen der TU Wien, Heft 38: 93 pp. 
Kager, H., Waldháusl, P., 1991. ORIENT. A Universal 
photogrammetric adjustment system. Product informa- 
tion of Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sens- 
ing (IPRS). Vienna University of Technology. 
Kotowski, R., Peipe, J., Wester-Ebbinghaus, W., 1988. 
Bundle triangulation in architectural photogrammetry: 
The basilica of San Francesco in Siena. Photogrammet- 
ric Record 12(72): 857-871. 
Kotowski, R., Meid, A., Peipe, J., Wester-Ebbinghaus, 
W., 1989. Photogrammetrische Bauaufnahme der Kir- 
chen von Siena, Entwicklung eines Konzepts für die 
Vermessung von Grofs$bauwerken. Allgemeine Vermes- 
sungsnachrichten 96(4): 144-154. 
Kraus, K., 1992. Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung 
angewandtauf den Behaim-Globus. Ausstellungskatalog 
des Germanischen Nationalmuseums Nürnberg. (in pre- 
Schlógelhofer, F., 1989. Qualitáts- und Wirtschaftlich- 
keitsmodelle für die Ingenieurphotogrammetrie. Disserta- 
tion TU Wien. Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen der 
TU Wien, Heft 32: 160 pp. 
UNESCO, 1970. Information on the implementation of 
the convention for the protection of cultural property in 
case of armed conflict, The Hague 1954. UNESCO- 
Report SHC/MD/6 - Paris, 30.4.1970, p. 25. 
Waldháusl, P., Brunner, M., 1988. Architectural photo- 
grammetry world-wide and by anybody with non-metric 
cameras? In: Hadjiev, G. (Editor), 1989. Contributions 
of modern photogrammetry, remote sensing and image 
processing methods to the architectural and urban heri- 
tage. XI" International Symposium of CIPA, Sofia. 
4.-10.1988; pp. 35-49. 
Waldhausl, P., Burtscher, Th., 1989. Evaluation of 
photogrammetric methods for the documentation of the 
world's architectural heritage. XII International Sym- 
posium of CIPA, Rome, 21.-28.10.1989. 10 pp. (in pre- 
Waldhäusl, P., Peipe, J., 1990. Control information in 
architectural photogrammetry. XII" International Sym- 
posium of CIPA, Cracow, Poland, 23.-26.10.1990. (in 
Waldhäusl, P., 1991. A test object for architectural 
photogrammetry: Otto Wagner's Underground station 
"Karlsplatz" in Vienna. XIV" International Symposium of 
CIPA, Delphi, Greece. 5 pp. (in preparation) 
Wester-Ebbinghaus, W., 1986.Analytical camera 
calibration. International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing 26/5:77-84.

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