In 1982 the Procuratoria di San Marco, in
the person of Proto arch. Ettore Vio,
decided to Start a systematic and
scientific (Brumana R., Galeazzo G.,
Monti C., Vio E.,1989) survey of all the
St. Marcus’ buildings. This work was
intended to support the work of
continuous mainteance and restauration
made by the technicians and workers of
the Procuratoria, but the final purpose
was to achive the possibility to build up
a "complete text of knowledge about each
single part of the Basilica. These
informations must be recorded on
electronic support, so to obtain
horizontal sections of the history of the
monument in a well specified year or
period, and in a diachrony way for each
single part with a correct mosaic of
photograms in the finale phase of
In such archivies all the data collected
in former times (as images, texts,
graphics, chemical-physical analysis,
test on materials....) are organized in a
structure suited not only for the
registration, but for the systematics and
comparative research of data. The
finality is a rigorous control of the
different phenomena concerning the
Basilica, a study of the main historical
and architectural characteristics and to
give an operative support for the works
of restauration or for the usual
managerial routine (Galeazzo G., 1988).
Such computerized archivies are growing
up in parallel with the project of
research regarding the preliminary
investigation of the static behaviour and
the state of conservation of the bearing
walls of the St.Marcus Basilica.
The here presented work of research
has been made possible by the
collaboration of the Procuratoria di San
Marco and the Dep. of I.I.A.R. of the
Politecnico of Milano in occasion of the
celebrations of the. millennium of
foundation of the San Marco Basilica
The photogrammetric takens and the
restitutions are made by G.E.O.S.I.G.M.A.
It- is without any doubt that this
research acquire a great value also in
the sphere of the computerization of the
registration. The need to make good
archivies is of fundamental importance in
the administration of the enormous
architectural and artistic richness of
our country.
The contribution of the conservative
approach to the theory of the restoration
and, therefore of the monument
conservation is to be considered quite
new, if we consider that the architecture
and everything of what is built has
always been an object of transformation;
it is only with the birth of the
historiography in the XIX that such
attention has taken a form charaterized
by a growth of coscience about the object
of restoration and the concept of
restoration. In those years we saw the
birth of a new discipline of the
restauration that gave life to different
interpretation ( from the critical
restauration of idealist origin to the
philological one of positivist origin).
The point of view of the approach at the
monument is, in the last fifty years,
quite changed, cause of the modern
philosophical and historical disciplines.
These ones have claimed the materiality
of the building revaluting its materic
culture and have refused the big